Sorry, I'll stop sooner or later. No need to complain.

And now, somethng that requires audience participation:
Why am I your friend? Just give me a comment telling me either how you met me, why you friended me (if we don’t know each other in real life), etc. Be honest. I mean, if you just friended me because you’re waiting for me to make another MIDI or comic, say so. I’m curious!


  1. Dori and I came by randomly to kidnap you and take you to your first midnight movie ever (So, I Married and Axe Murderer). Then, I didn’t really know you, but I had met you when Max introduced us before… It was then I found that you are very entertaining to chat with… and you talk a lot, and I can relate to you on some level…and I can talk to you about a lot of things and you at least pretend you are listening…;-) and you were VERY good to be there to talk to — especially that weekend when I found out my parents were divorcing.

  2. Before I was a student here, I always read your ucsc LJ comments. I also downloaded your Stepmania files and was very impressed. And now I’ve met you in real life.

  3. i know you dont know who i am, but i think your lj posts are some of the most entertaining around. Plus, you seem like a very open-minded and intelligent guy, and there just arent enough of those in the world.

  4. well you friended me first. I am guessing because we both know phil, or because i’m just that cool.
    But I friended you back because you are interesting and a kickass porter kid.

  5. You’re a music major. ๐Ÿ˜€
    You used to be part of the local BEMANI sceneโ€•or are you still? :p
    And I love the witty comments you leave on random LJ entries of other people.

    1. I am… uh, a music minor now. But keep me around plz!!$
      Yep I still play beatmania. I let them secretly replace Chris’s controller with mine at Fanime. ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. You friended me first because I had my lj username up on my board, and I was wondering who the hell you were until you disclosed your identity.
    I friended you back because you seemed amusing and, judging by your lj profile, we shared some interests. *thumbs up*

  7. I forget how I found you…but your entries are always amusing/interesting (which is saying something around here) and I have just kind of lurked around ever since.

  8. I forgot exactly why now. It was a number of things, but I think it finally came down to what I saw when I read your LJ. It seemed to me like an opportunity for “fun and adventure.”

  9. I had heard a lot about you and James from Sophie and Brian, and i met you at some party (i think).
    Oh, and Sophie showed me Car before i met you, and i thought it was really funny.

  10. I friended you because I like what you have to say in the communities we’re involved in and thought this guy can’t be bad, why not friend him!

  11. I don’t remember how I first came to meet you. Surely through like…Bryan or something, maybe Sophie. I forget, but I also read CAR, and started hanging out with you more.And I remember before I really knew you like you were that one friend of my friends who played DDR a lot, and was good.
    OOh remember MGL like…almost exactly a year ago tomorrow. During our (at Drakes)finals?

  12. I met you at starbase. you’re basically the most popuar person on LJ that I know. your posts are always interesting to read which is why i friended you after only meeting you once. in addition to that, i think that we both have a lot of the same basic beliefs; that is, i seem to agree with pretty much every random little thought you post here.
    i guess you’re just awesome.

  13. I had always seen you around, but I only put a name to your face after the goon meet at L8 Buffet. Then I realized you hung out with practically all my friends, so, you know, made sense to friend you and stuff.

  14. We share an interest in IIDX and because you’re far better at composing music than I am.
    I really want to make a keysounded BMS… ;_;

  15. You used to hang out with the Grace, though long after I did. So I guess that’s really how I met you.
    And I see you around Porter all the time.

  16. I had a huge crush on you, and then we dated for a little while. That’s how we met, we’re friends because we have a lot of mutual friends, and because I like talking to you and asking you for all kind of advice. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. We actually met in middle school, Mr. Wyman’s class at lunchtime. Wasn’t ’till high school that we started hanging out at all. We had classes together. Woo!

    1. we should hang out sometime this summer, yes this was a reply to my post, but it’s directed towards Jeffrey… oh jeez, I’m gonna get a lot of flak for this, even though I’m too lazy to make it an actual seperate comment because then it will make the comments look all retarded…
      bleh, whatever

  18. I remember hearing that you were starting a DDR comic about the same time that I was and random forumers told me to hate on it, but I didn’t– I don’t remember how the forums switched to LJ but either way, I was surprised that you’d read Hikaru no GO. Back then I thought, “okay a high school guy, about my bro’s age” but it’s notable what a couple years in a new place will do, na?

  19. ‘Cause you’re a cool guy, and you were fun to talk to in #rpgcomics ;D And thanks for friending me likewise, regardless that I barely ever update! =)

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