I did it again!

I made my own food, WOO! And this time the end product doesn’t look like shit, but like last time, it also doesn’t taste like shit either!!! 😀
I made pot stickers from scratch, using yet another recipe from GBSFood. Something Awful saves my life once again!

My babies, pre-incineration. Only a few came out retarded after folding everything up.

End result!

Check out that texture.

Pork and cabbage innards!
They look different than in the original recipe because 1) I flipped ’em over a few times to get both sides browned, 2) they’re freaking MASSIVE – the original recipe was supposed to make like, 5 times as much or something, and 3) I’m still a cooking newb. I didn’t screw anything up, though, and like I said, the end product was taaaaaasteeeeeeee. And I’ve still got enough of everything to make yet another batch, and I just might.


  1. My cooking training is done for the summer. I’ve done mashed and baked and fried vegetables and cooked steak and chicken and spaghetti and muffins and soup and tacos and an omelette and some stuff I forgot.
    Those look nice, anyway.

    1. eeewwww L8 buffet. i went there once cause i got a student discount. that was one of the shadiest restaurants i’ve been too.
      Jeff did you pan fry your potstickers?

      1. Yes.
        I like L8 buffet. The food’s good, and you can eat tons of it. For a buffet, the food’s good qualitee.
        I wouldn’t order delivery from it, though.

  2. Re: I did it again!
    Seeing that picture is making my mouth water. I kid you not. Would you happen to have the recipe for the pot stickers? I’m always looking for new stuff out there. 🙂

      1. Re: I did it again!
        Damn insomnia. :p This what can happen to a person when they’re not all there — they don’t read things properly. Oh, well. Another lesson learned on my part. *shrugs*

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