Imagine I’m making a noise akin to one Pepsiman would make. SCHOOOOO Also I’m hangin’ with Chelsea (who is totally cool beans) and she actually put up with an excursion to the arcade! What a trooper.

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Aww, look what they gave me to celebrate my major declaration! I’m going to wear this FOREVER until I forget to take it off and then it goes into the wash and rips a big hole in my shirt and it gets all ruined and I find weird metal pieces scattered throughout my underwear and… Continue reading BUTTS

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Sucky pictures of 420 @ the Porter Meadow, by me. Don’t smoke, didn’t want to get close. Miraculously, no cops have shown up as of yet.

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What the hell

Someone’s fucking selling BROWNIES in the quad. Uh…

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Sorry for posting in my journal :(

Supposedly people are getting beaten up by cops at the base of campus. RIGHTEOUS! This is like my 9/11 post but it hits even closer to home! Audio transcription. Hardcore!

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Guys I am permanently hosting the failing tuba noise from the Price is Right because it is a very important part of our nation’s history. I suggest listening to this sound clip about 200 times because I guarantee it will make you crack up at least 150 times during the process, if not closer to… Continue reading Guys

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Okay sorta thanks PayPal

Well, I think that guy from which I bought the PSP ran off with my money. So after no response to PayPal for 10 days, PayPal was able to refund me $175 (out of the $250), and they say they’re working to get more, if possible. So I’m sorta kinda happy about that. I’m also… Continue reading Okay sorta thanks PayPal

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