
If you see this text and you’ve ever been around me in real life, write a memory you have of me, even if you’ve only seen me like once or twice or never even talked to me.
If you see this text and you’ve never been around me in real life, then move along people, nothing to see here.
If you DON’T see this text, u r a doodoohead and u wil nevr find out.


  1. On the way back from seeing Collateral:
    (on what funny nametag James should wear at work): You should be “Pop’N’Fresh” and be legally forced to go ‘woo-hoo’.

  2. All those times you were sitting in CS typing notes or playing a game on the Palm. (it was a Palm right?) Actually I don’t remember so many of those because most of the time I would just ask some questions Brian couldn’t answer and then leave halfway through, satisfied of my understanding of the theory.

  3. That time that Andy, you, Brian, Terry and I went to In-n-Out and you spoke the infamous phrase “Oh, that’s why they don’t make lemon flavored milk.” Pure gold, that was.

  4. Watching your beat-up sneakers move very very fast on the DDR platform at Starbase. I thought they were pretty cool.
    Also, after Midrasha, waiting for our rides, while you snorted at something and we could all see our breath. I remember you’d make me laugh so hard I couldn’t breathe.

  5. Heh, the time you came to Drake and picked me, Sophie, and Annie up and you had bought a girant balloon and Valentines candy for yourself comes to mind. That was pretty cool.
    I’ve also got a very vivid image of you running around with your arms sticking out making airplane noises and headbutting things/people/James.

  6. Watching you talk about and DO DDR constantly and then get me infected with it. Oh yeah, and you driving me around in your car while mine was secretly in the shop for 11 months! 😛

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