
My dad was telling me that I should be more compassionate and then my mom told me the same thing today and a few of my friends told me that a while ago so if I’m acting like an ass and that pisses you off please tell me.
Also, all livejournal users are retards.


  1. Originally posted by greendy123
    ok so it’s right after lunch and im sitting in teh computer labs (btw these are really shitty computers.. like 500mhz’ or something). Anyway im sitting there and teh lab is full and im surfing teh [m] and looking at some cool ass mods for CS and this girl comes up to me.. shes 1 of those preppie type ambercombie popular type girls. so she asks in a bitchy tone “hey i need to use that computer to type up and print up a eport i have for sociology”.. now remember teh lab is full and she’ll probably take all period. so i say to her “haha, no why dont you find one of your american eagle prep boys to mooch off of” lol.. and she walked off all pissed off.. me and my friend were laughing all period, it was fucking hilarious. stupid preps like that will never understand geeks like us at teh [m] lol ๐Ÿ˜›
    oh well it was hilarious. guys shoulda been there

    1. My dad was telling me that I should be more compassionate and then my mom told me the same thing today and a few of my friends told me that a while ago so if I’m acting like an ass and that pisses you off please tell me. <– serious.
      Also, all livejournal users are retards. <– not serious.
      Develop some common sense. When I juxtapose two statements like these, it’s pretty obvious for MOSTLY everyone to understand what I’m saying. <– serious.

      1. NO SHIT SHERLOCK! That is what prompted my comment. That’s just like saying you don’t give a shit what your friends in the past let alone your parents said, and not just said, but the priviledge of to your face.

        1. You don’t understand what I’m saying, though. I’m going to try to understand and just support people more, but that doesn’t mean that I have to completely stop jesting and joking around. I can still tease and make intentionally broad generalizations, but if I’m ACTUALLY causing someone some sort of trouble or pain, I can actually take it into consideration to stop what I’m doing.
          My “retards” comment was harmless, and juxtaposed with my statement that I’m going to try to be more caring shows that I’ve still got a sense of humor about things, and everyone else should, too.

          1. So that translates to “I’m going to be an ass, just not as much”. I find it a little hypocritical of you to tell me to develop some common sense, when really…
            If you’re going to blatantly dismiss a subject someone wants to purposely talk to you about, it’s going to piss someone off.
            If you’re intentionally being sarcastic when you know the other person is serious about something, that’s going to piss someone off.
            If you’re still going to go the lengths of making broad generalizations, jokatively or not, some people will take offense.
            Honestly, I have enough to deal with as it is, I really don’t need an apathetic ear to an empathetic one as it stands.

          2. I’m sorry to hear that. If you’re in enough dire straits to not be able to accept sarcasm here and there, then this shouldn’t really apply to you or affect you.

          3. I still speak to people that use sarcasm, but they use it to a point, not to where it just turns someone off completely away from talking to them. That is why most of the time, I try not to message you, because you just have this air about you where you don’t really care about anything unless it’s to your benefit and/or immediate interest. It’d make sense considering, we hardly got along the first time I IM’ed you, the second time you IM’ed me to help you with your computer related issues was about the only time we had gotten along.
            And don’t get me wrong, my comments were not prompted because of sarcasm in general, it was purely out of my experience(s) with you.

          1. Instigate much?
            I don’t apologize for you butting your nose into business that isn’t yours, despite the fact that I left myself open to attack by commenting here.

          2. There is a clear difference between witty sarcasm and abrasive cynicism, and as far as Jeffrey and I are concerned, it’s been for the most part, the latter. Despite your possibly, otherwise well relationship with him, I don’t find his demeanor as an excuse.

    1. that reminds me, i was booing at the wheelchair lady who got on the bus today, cause she was slow and was wasting my time. fucking cripples. can’t they get their legs to work or something?

  2. don’t be cynical, it’s not of any value
    from MOM!!! Oh, and please email me back about whether you got the dave getz swfs.

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