
I think I just have to make this Friends Only due to the content. Maybe once it’s in the archives I’ll make it public. 😛
jeffreyatw: I think the majority of the world agrees that penises are better than vaginas.
FyrefoxZ: really? why’s that?
jeffreyatw: I don’t know, I was just getting that vibe.
jeffreyatw: That vaginas were sorta weird and penises were wholesome genitalia.
FyrefoxZ: lol
jeffreyatw: I’m sure there’s a big following for vaginas too though
FyrefoxZ: you’re a misogynist! you vagina hater! lol
jeffreyatw: well the thing is
jeffreyatw: girls are the more beautiful gender
jeffreyatw: but penises are the better genitalia
jeffreyatw: but I don’t know what my thoughts on dickgirls is
FyrefoxZ: how are penises better, though? i mean, you can see them through pants sometimes
FyrefoxZ: and that’s kinda weird
jeffreyatw: how does that make it bad though
jeffreyatw: You can’t get anything caught in a penis
FyrefoxZ: because most people don’t want to see other people’s genitalia in public
FyrefoxZ: lol i’m sure you can
jeffreyatw: and uh
jeffreyatw: well there’s the bleeding thing, you don’t have to deal with that
FyrefoxZ: i’ve heard of people who stick screwdrivers in their penis-holes, ok? lol it’s amazing what you can do with your body
jeffreyatw: rHINADhtodainhtodahta
jeffreyatw: dhalrhinaeoihrna
jeffreyatw: ‘hraehnaepoirhnq043986jn009ea6yifdyhqerah
jeffreyatw: SHYRT UP.
jeffreyatw: That’s one thing I hate to talk about is sticking things in urethras
jeffreyatw: AAAAAAAAAAAA
FyrefoxZ: lol bleeding doesn’t come from vaginas, it comes from the uterus
FyrefoxZ: lol
jeffreyatw: I saw this video
jeffreyatw: ok
jeffreyatw: I’m going to talk about something else
jeffreyatw: i’m still a member of the penis fan club though
FyrefoxZ: lol yay, you’re gay!
jeffreyatw: no dude
jeffreyatw: guys aren’t hot they’re just like buhhh i’m a guy
jeffreyatw: but penises are great I swear
FyrefoxZ: you like penis best, though!
FyrefoxZ: lol
jeffreyatw: It’s more penis pride than it is an actual love for penises
jeffreyatw: Like
jeffreyatw: You really like John Kerry
jeffreyatw: But it’s not like you want to have wild mad dogsex with him
FyrefoxZ: lol
FyrefoxZ: i can see your point
jeffreyatw: I salute penises, but not with my own
FyrefoxZ: haha you’re funny jeffy
jeffreyatw: I’m probably just really tired
FyrefoxZ: probably : D
jeffreyatw: Penises are better than vaginas.
mechaROCKETpunch: totally
jeffreyatw: I think the majority of the world agrees on that.
mechaROCKETpunch: yessir
jeffreyatw: Yeah.
jeffreyatw: But that’s weird because women are hotter than men, the majority of the world agrees on that too.
jeffreyatw: I guess it’s a trade-off, and that’s why dickgirl porn exists.
mechaROCKETpunch: best of both worlds
jeffreyatw: terazactly
mechaROCKETpunch: yeah, i never thought about how big the tranny market was
mechaROCKETpunch: i mean, check in the back of the SF bay guradian
mechaROCKETpunch: 3 pages dedicated to chicks with dicks
jeffreyatw: Wow
mechaROCKETpunch: you’re looking at the face, and it’s like, wow, she’s cute…
mechaROCKETpunch: and then it’s like TS (transexual)
jeffreyatw: You know
jeffreyatw: I
jeffreyatw: Man.
jeffreyatw: I have to sit and think about that for a while.
jeffreyatw: What are my thoughts on dickgirls.
mechaROCKETpunch: hahah
mechaROCKETpunch: just trying to make a living. something almost mary tyler moorish about it
mechaROCKETpunch: looks like i can make it afterall
jeffreyatw: You can do it, lil’ brudder
mechaROCKETpunch: we’ll find a place for you yet
Feel free to quote me out-of-context on any of that.


  1. I always thought it looked gross, took too much effort to clean, and gets squished in doing almost anything. O_o;
    Then again I’m a girl, and I’m also not attracted to boys… o_o

    1. With or without foreskin, it is much easier to clean an external surface than an internal one by rule of thumb, and as a result, a shower will always do the job for a man.
      And because of the fact that a vagina sheds it’s own lining and following blood during menstruation, in an enclosed space thus generating heat and sweat, douche is required for a woman.
      The penis is also composed of three columns of erectile tissue, two of which, when filled completely with blood, make it almost impossibly ‘squishy’ opposed to an unstimulated/flaccid (half-erect) phallus. The vagina always gives way to external pressure (read: squishy), by design to accomodate a penis and for birth. The third column being the urethra which serves 2 main purposes:
      1) The discharge of semen (male lubrication) which has two uses, to clean the urethra to make way for sperm and to carry sperm safely to the uterus. Because contrary to popular belief, sperm is quite fragile.
      2) Urine, which is also multipurpose, expelling waste and a forced cleansing of the urethra that also contains acids to ultimately kill any remnants of sperm.
      Coming back to the fact that the vagina is enclosed, won’t exactly make a woman’s lubrication smell particularly better than a man’s without proper cleansing. Lastly, while there are ugly penises, there are just as ugly, if not worse looking vaginas. This isn’t exactly appetizing, in fact, I don’t even think a bull would hit that.

          1. “Lastly, while there are ugly penises, there are just as ugly, if not worse looking vaginas.”
            Your point only showed me that vaginas are “just as ugly” or “if not [ugly]”… “[then] worse looking vaginas.”
            I was informed about the penis from your response, yes, but I also received an opinion on how the vagina was either just as ugly as the penis, or worse than the penis.
            Your point proving that the vagina is the worse gentalia, responding to my comment, gave me the impression that I basically said “penis = gross, vagina = best” when I did not.
            If you’d like me to inform me, great, do so. Please do so in a fashion that doesn’t have a view, but is factual. I will deeply appreciate it.
            If you’d like to reaffirm Jeffrey’s belief, please state your opinion after stating facts, saying that it is your personal opinion… rather than integrating the two, as if confuses me greatly.
            But in any case, I’d like to thank you for sharing, anyway. TMI was to the image that I couldn’t even see because that porn website you linked to did not like to have their images directly linked.
            “And because of the fact that a vagina sheds it’s own lining and following blood during menstruation, in an enclosed space thus generating heat and sweat, douche is required for a woman.” <== sucks for the woman during it, but it's a cycle of cleaning so that a woman can have her egg cycle ready for the sperm.
            “With or without foreskin, it is much easier to clean an external surface than an internal one by rule of thumb, and as a result, a shower will always do the job for a man.” A shower will do it for anyone, man or woman, if taken properly.
            “The penis is also composed of three columns of erectile tissue, two of which, when filled completely with blood, make it almost impossibly ‘squishy’ opposed to an unstimulated/flaccid (half-erect) phallus.” I never said it was “squishy.” I said ” gets squished in doing almost anything”… meaning, if you ride a horse often, it hurts, if you are hanging onto a flag pole with your body, you are squishing it against it, if you are riding a motorcycle with someone behind you, and you brake really hard, it hurts like shit against the front of the motorcycle.
            And since you helped me prove that idea:
            “The vagina always gives way to external pressure (read: squishy)”
            Meaning the penis gets squished into the vagina too.

          2. Taken from the above comment, “as if confuses me greatly” is actually supposed to be “as it confuses me greatly” before any typos confuse anyone.

          3. You always like to turn everything into an argument don’t you? Let’s get something straight here, your statement:
            “Your point proving that the vagina is the worse gentalia, responding to my comment, gave me the impression that I basically said “penis = gross, vagina = best” when I did not.”
            is horrifically ironic, because you called it out before I even did:
            “Umm, right, thank you, TMI, never said vaginas weren’t gross”
            when I could have because you made the first implication.
            “If you’d like me to inform me, great, do so. Please do so in a fashion that doesn’t have a view, but is factual. I will deeply appreciate it.
            If you’d like to reaffirm Jeffrey’s belief, please state your opinion after stating facts, saying that it is your personal opinion… rather than integrating the two, as if confuses me greatly.”

            What facts did I not state that you couldn’t learn through school or the internet? Because I’m no exception. And about the comparison, it was not personal opinion, it was objectivity. Look it up.
            “But in any case, I’d like to thank you for sharing, anyway. TMI was to the image that I couldn’t even see because that porn website you linked to did not like to have their images directly linked.”
            I was aware that the link did not work directly after I posted, but since you responded to me relatively quickly, I didn’t bother to fix it. As well, that TMI was left to subjection because quite frankly, you didn’t state what the TMI was for.
            “A shower will do it for anyone, man or woman, if taken properly.”
            Sorry, but once again, you fall a little short here based on my own observation. Since it is somehow apparent that we’ve not had the same experiences with females before, I will state now that I have known of one that just used water, and have ranked.
            “I always thought it looked gross, took too much effort to clean, and gets squished in doing almost anything.”
            My mistake. *cough* Oh wait, you reiterated already:
            “I said ” gets squished in doing almost anything”… meaning, if you ride a horse often, it hurts, if you are hanging onto a flag pole with your body, you are squishing it against it, if you are riding a motorcycle with someone behind you, and you brake really hard, it hurts like shit against the front of the motorcycle.”
            That’s not the penis, that’s the scrotum. It’s homogolous to the sensitivity of a girl’s breasts.
            “And since you helped me prove that idea:
            “The vagina always gives way to external pressure (read: squishy)”
            Meaning the penis gets squished into the vagina too.

            Sorry, but I already stated this: “The penis is also composed of three columns of erectile tissue, two of which, when filled completely with blood, make it almost impossibly ‘squishy’ opposed to an unstimulated/flaccid (half-erect) phallus.” Meaning, no, it does not give way to a vagina if it is the softer of the two. Way to prove your argument and waste both of our time.

          4. Re: hahah, seriously.
            Would you be willing to justify that much aside from the fact that I said I liked you only after half knowing you?
            Because not only did you intentionally beat around the bush for a good, say, 10 minutes, as to why you didn’t have a boyfriend, but you never once mentioned having a girlfriend to me.
            Yes Michiru, unlike you, I don’t have to lie to save my dignity over getting your feelings hurt in a stupid argument you started to try and look remotely intelligent.

          5. Re: hahah, seriously.
            I failed to mention, not to flatter yourself that much.
            Because in that same discussion I had with you, I did start to see you as a girl that had the personality of a dead fish, whenever we spoke of more than video games. I really did not appreciate your offstandish behavior when I tried being real with you, but I understand that completely now.

          6. Re: hahah, seriously.
            I dunno what your problem is with me, but I don’t really care. If you take into the consideration the comments michiru made to you and Jeffrey, you’d see that she’s just mad because she had her pride handed to her. After all, this was a lesbian who knew hardly anything about the male genitalia ironically trying to correct me. On top of starting an argument with me needlessly.

          7. Re: hahah, seriously.
            You know, the only reason you resort to these childish statements, like: “lol intarwebs” and “roflcopter” is because you’ve run out of anything biting or witty to say.
            It’s evident after you not only start an argument, fail to back it up, and make two slanderous, petty remarks about me. Maybe if you just dropped the caustic attitude after I commented to you, this could’ve ended more peacefully than it did. Instead, you’re scraping for insults, you’re really pathetic.

          8. Acceptable means of ending a pointless conversation!
            1) Being concise. Try it sometime.
            see: “I dunno what your problem is with me, but I don’t really care. (period)”
            2) awesome childish statements |-(|=)
            3) A picture of a silly Asian in a tanktop.
            note that these do not connotate “OH FUCK HE’S GOT ME MUST’VE RUN OUT OF CONTINUES”. I mean, seriously…you think “winning” an argument against you matters to her after reading enough of your bull? :p

          9. Re: Acceptable means of ending a pointless conversation!
            I’ll be as concise as necessary.
            You really aren’t funny to anyone but your friends right now.
            No, I purposely meant to be biting after she tried doing the same.

          10. Re: Acceptable means of ending a pointless conversation!
            He’s not being funny to anyone but his friends in a FRIENDS-ONLY entry. If he’s not supposed to be funny here, then I don’t know where else this would be seen as funny!

          11. Re: Acceptable means of ending a pointless conversation!
            I already assumed he had friends added to this journal too, one possibly being Michiru(?) after defending her.

          12. Re: hahah, seriously.
            The only person here who’s pathetic is you. Look at how you’re overreacting to all this. This entry and many of the comments to it were not intended to be serious. Talk about misconstruing everything…
            And the last time I checked, you were the one who started this argument. Based on the other comments here, I’m inclined to think that most everyone here agrees with me.
            What a hypocrite you are. Calling Michiru “pathetic” only shows that you’re an insulting, pathetic shell of a human being. Dig yourself a cave and fossilize already. Then you might be of some use.

          13. Re: hahah, seriously.
            Overreacting? You have absolutely no idea what I’m feeling when I respond to you. If anything, it’s mere annoyance, especially how you use the “nothing was ever serious lighten up” card, when you have been purposely cutting. Please do not start calling me a hypocrite, let alone an insulting, pathetic shell of a human being when you honestly need to practice what you preach.

          14. Re: hahah, seriously.
            Who said I was serious? This is all in good fun. Watching you react in all seriousness, makes it all the more amusing. Therefore, I AM practicing what I preach.
            I can’t possibly be a hypocrite if I am laughing at each of your responses and joking about it with others over the phone even as I type this. The “hypocrite” card… so overused, so abused, and in this case, misused — by you.

          15. Re: hahah, seriously.
            “Well, I’ll be going, and celebrating my victory. And don’t bother responding to this, because I will not bother reading the words of the unimportant (read: you) any longer. I can only tolerate so much!”
            Your tirades about how I’m oh so wrong, combined with your personal attacks, while you draw friends of yours for emotional support do little to prove your “not serious/all in good fun” intentions. You are full of it.

          16. Re: hahah, seriously.
            This divide within my friends has taken a deafening blow toward my state of mind. It’s hard to sleep knowing that this feud is just tearing these friendships apart.

          17. Re: hahah, seriously.
            Right, because I’ve just about had it from both of these two, and they sure weren’t going to like what I would’ve done with the information I sit on.

          18. Re: hahah, seriously.
            Look, whether or not Jeffrey cares, I do. He has a tendency to be kind of blase, to have this kind of mock-idiotic petulance, and I think you should just ignore it, dust in the wind.
            Regarding penises and vaginas, I think we should cut to the core of the real issue here, which is feminism. The idea that penises are dirty, that they’re something that we should be ashamed of, is totally a tool of cultural subversion developed by the extremists feminists in the 1960s in what has turned into a largely successful coup to reverse the conventional uses of puritanical shame and sexual rage to reverse the psychosexual power-structures in western society. Notice I said reverse and not revolutionize. A true revolution would be one of equality, and this is not about equality. The issue here is not the messiness of penises or vaginas, except in the most superficial way, but the issue of masculinity being made subservient and being trampled upon.

          19. Re: hahah, seriously.
            Word, you are totally part of the elect, and all of these other cunts are unwashed heathens. Hahahahahahahaha get it, unwashed?

          20. *hugs you on the forehead*
            Hahah, she’s the one starting something? She gave a two line response to the post and you proceeded to whip out your 9th style muff/wang encyclopedia to do justice to her obviously inferior, cockblocking lesbian mind.
            ‘sides, that’s completely unrelated to the fact that your wacky-ass, long-winded posts have been more fun to read for me than most comments that TRY to be funny. The fact that you put so much effort into all this stuff while sounding so dorkygeneric at the same time is what likely has divided you and anyone else I see here.
            Really though. This’ll all roll over if you just go play some more beatmania and stop trying to win a self-created internet argument about which genitalia is messier with people who care so, so much less about it than you.

          21. Re: *hugs you on the forehead*
            Yes, she’s the one who started something. She’s the one who had to try and undermine my entire post when none of it was personally insulting. And if she really didn’t care, she wouldn’t have said anything after the first comment she made. Alas, she did. And now look, you’re getting into a pissing contest with me by using 1) bad bemani stereotyping 2) my pragmatism against me.
            Too bad because I pointed this out faster than a bullseye on a shooting range, that I don’t really care what you try and mock me with. You’re really ironic.

          22. No, she didn’t care about your comment. She thought you were a complete, utter idiot and wanted to see just exactly how far she could push this. As predicted, you went pretty far. Actually, now that I think about it… you surpassed our expectations! You’re more idiotic than we thought you were!!!
            Did it ever cross your mind that absolutely NO ONE HERE was being serious? Oh, of course not. That’s too complicated for a simpleton such as yourself.
            And she was trying to do you a favor by banning you…
            You see, we placed bets, and I bet [insert large sum of money] that you would respond to her comment. You know, since you’re a stalker and you’re banned from her journal and she has you on her ignore lists on Yahoo! and AIM… well, I figured the next place we’d see your amusing comments would be at Jeffrey’s journal.
            (And yes, I realize that was a run-on sentence, I did it PURPOSELY, I thought I might clarify. You know, in case you try making cheap jabs. Or what’s more likely, you’re too stupid to determine that it was purposeful, because I know it’s not above your sophomoric intellectual abilities.)
            Keep it up. By the end of today, I might be a millionaire.
            Oh wait. On second thought… money can’t buy back the time that we wasted reading your stupid comments. Never mind.

          23. Here’s another news flash for you, I wouldn’t stalk Michiru with a 1,200 ft. pole. And her banning me from her journal was also, news to me, seeing as I didn’t respond to any other posts of hers but one….
            Unless you already knew this, as intelligent as you make yourself sound, but just wanted to throw this into Jeffrey’s journal to make it sound like I’m some desperate, lesbian hunting creep. But you wouldn’t sink that low, would you?

          24. Your second paragraph was completely incorrect grammatically. “As intelligent as you make yourself sound,” I thought you’d like to know.
            And this behavior of yours, as I witnessed from the little conversations you and Michiru had — which were conveniently posted on her journal — is definitely stalker-like in nature.
            Lesbian-hunting? No. A creep? Definitely.
            The only person sinking here is you.

          25. Re: *hugs you on the forehead*
            I’m at a loss to thank you for your kind words or be deterred from answering that honestly, because I’m beginning to feel like a lost cause due to the extremely thick ideology in these threads.

          26. Soliliquail had a conversation with somebody and apparently soliliquail hates your guts and dislikes how you’re passive aggressive against him

          27. You know Jeffrey, if I did hate your guts (that’s if you actually took her words with a grain of salt) I’d let it be known. What I disliked about your demeanor I previously stated to you in your own journal already.

            GAME,SET,AND CHEESE!
            Holyshit, I thought the internet had finally killed off you idiots but I guess I was wrong.

          29. No one needs to be informed about such irrelevant information. If we want to learn about the anatomy of the penis, I am sure we will look it up in our nearest library. Michiru’s comment was obviously tongue-in-cheek in response to Jeffrey’s wacked-out entry. You read into everything unnecessarily, though not exactly to my dismay — your inherent ignorance and ludicrously pretentious response incited bellows of near-cataclysmic laughter from yours truly.
            Oh, you might want to look up my ten-dollar words in Wikipedia, since you know, your information about the penis was copy-pasted from it.
            Does someone suffer from inferiority complex? When it’s not that big, certain people feel the need to redeem themselves in other ways.
            Oh, by the way, you ignoramus, douching is NOT recommended for women. Hmm… I would educate you about these matters, but I have no time to waste on those who strive to “inform” others without taking the time to verify their own information.
            As educated people are aware, the vagina is self-cleaning. So if we were to follow your logic, the vagina is technically cleaner than the penis, because it cleans itself. This is regardless of any “odors” the vagina is famed to have. It is actually CLEANER, so before you try any fatuous “rebuttals”…
            Now that we’re on the subject, where was this information you learned about women “needing to douche”?
            From your 1950s sex-ed health textbook? Because your ghetto school couldn’t afford any newer? Try checking up on your own information. You can avoid looking as stupid as you already do.
            Oh, wait. It’s unavoidable for people like you. Feel special.

          30. Great, now you’re going to start jumping on me, to save your friends face. And I’m glad you’re getting a laugh out of this at least, because incidentally, I am too, and I’ll point out why.
            “Oh, you might want to look up my ten-dollar words in Wikipedia, since you know, your information about the penis was copy-pasted from it.”
            Guess what? That’s news to me. Oh, not like you’d believe it. After all, you came here purely to save your friend. In fact, you un-added me just about the same time Michiru did. How fitting for speaking to you one time, and one time only, getting along at that. *cough*
            I also tried IM’ing you to clear up whatever “misunderstandings” that might’ve arose, but you’re clearly loyal to her, regardless of reason. So what do you do? Ignore me and log off. By the way, you sure do a good job of bombastically spouting spelling bee worthy insults for calling me pretentious. But this is funnier, you had to stoop to this:
            “Does someone suffer from inferiority complex? When it’s not that big, certain people feel the need to redeem themselves in other ways.”
            Yet again, to your dismay, this is not an issue for me, really. But, how old is this joke? I can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny, or insulting, maybe, you really don’t have any real content, but the ideal of protecting your friend to go on. Oh noez, lollercoaster!
            “Oh, by the way, you ignoramus, douching is NOT recommended for women. Hmm… I would educate you about these matters, but I have no time to waste on those who strive to “inform” others without taking the time to verify their own information.”
            Since you’ve taken the time to extravagantly set forth two posts with the pure intention of flaming me and trying to prove yourself as smarter-than-thou, you might as well. Ignoramous.
            “Now that we’re on the subject, where was this information you learned about women “needing to douche
            From your 1950s sex-ed health textbook? Because your ghetto school couldn’t afford any newer? Try checking up on your own information. You can avoid looking as stupid as you already do.”

            Yet again, pretentious. I’ll make this short and sweet: Try living around those who have douched and have spoken about it. Though, I’ll be more than happy for you to “educate” me because all you’ve done is be horrifying hypocritical, pompous, and exorbitant. You’re a real winner now.

          31. The difference between well… say, your comments, and say, my comments? Well, I am pretentious, but correct. You are pretentious… but oh-so-wrong.
            “Try living around those who have douched and have spoken about it,” I am sure they are as uneducated as you are then. As I’ve said — look it up, you might learn something factual for once. Oh wait, sorry, you prefer to be an “ignoramus,” that is your way.
            Oh, and it’s ignoramus.
            How am I hypocritical? As expected, you couldn’t point out a single hypocritical thread in the argument I’ve woven. It seems to me that you’re simply throwing out accusations to alleviate what seems to be… well, your great loss in this argument.
            Essentially, all I see in your response is a cheap ad-hominem tactic. Attacking me or dragging other instances into the argument only shows your weakness.
            I also find it funny that you only chose to respond to the more (intended) humorous points of my defense in your attempt to insult me (such as my implication that the size of your penis might be say… less-than-average), without addressing the strong points I made against the nature of your entire argument. This shows you to be nothing but a coward.
            Yes, I am pretentious, yes, I’m pompous, and I am proud of it. And it makes sense. I always make it a point to wave my flag of superiority over an intellectually disabled member of society: you.
            In the end, Michiru became exasperated with your innate stupidity. Then again, who wouldn’t? One can only egg on a moron so far.
            Michiru didn’t see the point in continuing the argument. Everyone else sees that, it’s funny that you can’t, even.
            I do not even need to save her face. Her face was saved when you responded with your idiotic attempt at a rebuttal.

          32. Thanks for the spelling correction, I’m sure it was steadfast in proving your superiority, as well as maturity, for one, you know, so high of it and detesting anyone “allegedly” lesser than. I wonder how you keep friends that way.
            The reason you’re hypocritical is because the entire premise of your comments to me were to try and wave your e-penis around after, ironically, bashing me for it. Back to the subject of penis:
            “I also find it funny that you only chose to respond to the more (intended) humorous points of my defense in your attempt to insult me (such as my implication that the size of your penis might be say… less-than-average), without addressing the strong points I made against the nature of your whole argument. This shows you to be nothing but a coward.”
            I apologize then, that somehow, you chose to skim over the other things I’ve quoted you on, which were truthfully, the breadth of your comment. I’m also, not in any way a coward to someone who pretty much admitted that they are full of themselves. So what more should I expect than you to continue flaunting your overexaggerated dignity and tell me I am: “uninformed, wrong, idiotic”?
            Actually, if you refer to the last post I made to captaincanada, you would’ve seen that I actually didn’t care whether or not she was exasperated. She wanted to be a bitch, she had what was coming to her, much like you. I could sit here and not really care about any of your insults, because I know full well where my place is, not where your cocky, friend-fueled litanies presume it.
            But that’d make your intentions ultimately worthless, wouldn’t it? I did give you the opportunity to educate me, you’ve yet to take me up on that. Come back when you’re a lot more original and less stuck on yourself.

          33. As I’ve said, I’m not going to waste my time educating someone who will not do themselves the favor.
            Not cowardly? You didn’t find a source that went against my attack on your so-called “factual” statement on douching being mandatory. As I’ve said, petty ad-hominem attacks just show you’re attacking me as a person. Whereas, I attacked your facts AND you as a person. Why I attacked you as a person? Because you were rude and uncivil to Michiru, and well, you were irritating and I thought you deserved it. And I’m sure everyone else here would agree with me.
            And about the whole coward issue, you see, there’s a difference. I was calling you a coward for not attacking the factual basis of my argument against yours, not for calling me pretentious. Having the guts to call me cocky and pretentious doesn’t mean you have “guts,” you’re still a coward because you’re avoiding the main issue at hand.
            And yes, I’m cocky, and rightly so.
            Original? Now where did we get onto the topic of originality? I wasn’t trying to be original, nor did I ever claim to be.
            Switching the topic isn’t going to get you anywhere. Just face it. Your “reaffirmation” of Jeffrey’s standpoint was unnecessary, your comments about vaginas and douching was purely false, and for the most part, it seems to me you’ve taken nearly everything out of context.
            Take a chill pill and relax. I’ve got things to do and I’ve got places to go tomorrow.
            See, unlike you, I don’t have all that much time to sit at my computer all day to stress out over insignificant things.
            My intentions? Worthless? Not at all. I exposed you to be the idiot you are (though I think everyone else here did a fine job of that — including you, might I add), and Michiru and I got a kick out of reading this colorful exchange.
            Well, I’ll be going, and celebrating my victory. And don’t bother responding to this, because I will not bother reading the words of the unimportant (read: you) any longer. I can only tolerate so much!

          34. Touche about the douching being manditory, but what other “facts” did I state that were really, less than coherent and cohesive that you had to spend more than an hour berating me over? Oh wait, this is purely to amuse you? For calling me nothing but over serious and insulting? On top of saying you have better things to do? Neurotic much?
            I really don’t care whether or not you read this, but I’ll mock you anyway, you have taken everything I’ve said, to name one thing: originality, out of context for saying it was changing the subject, opposed to just insulting you. And look, you did exactly what I said you were doing, trying to pick a fight with me because I was so bad and awful to your poor little michiru. If somehow along the lines you were trying to make me out to be an idiot, somehow, you did a good job at proving just how much of a pompous asshole you are.
            One more thing you fail to do, is realize that while you may get support from your friends, who don’t know me, as well as these strangers on the internet, yet again, who don’t know me, your “personal” attacks mean diddly squat. I have my friends that actually “know” me, and support me, like I’m sure you do. Big difference between us though?
            I never started a comment in this entire thread out of spite until someone else did it to me, unlike you. You wanted to be an asshole, you got what came to you.

        1. Because he uses his welfare checks to feed his sexual desires. After all, when you can’t get laid… or at least, not with a hot chick… (or man, now that I think about it, because his worshipping of the penis outdoes any passion towards the penis of any gay man I know).

          1. Now you’re doing exactly the same thing Michiru was doing, being slanderous, and you tell me to take a chill pill, your feelings have obviously taken a huge blow otherwise you wouldn’t have resorted to such a childish tactic.

          2. Yeah I’m not so sure about you though. Apparently you’re some kind of man eating lesbian. I’ve “friended” you anyway based on this whole “enemy of my enemy” principle, but don’t expect this to go anywhere until your sexuality shapes up and starts conforming to my standards.

      1. Off the top of my head… and this is pure speculation, I’d say it is in exchange for the fact that functionally, your part in the reproductive system is for another human being to grow inside of you for nine months and come out of your hoo-hah. And the ‘biological clock’ ticking phenomena if you don’t let another human being inside of you grow for nine months and come out of your hoo-hah. And good fun things like potential hystorectomies and definite menopause either way.
        Checks and balances, you see.
        I think your the nature of your orgasms don’t even begin to balance to karmic scales on that one. But it’s a good thing you have them… Otherwise we’d have died off as a species within 2 years.

          1. Somehow you think this physical pain justifies the relentless indoctrination, subjugation, hate, lying, cheating, and ultimately mental pain that you as a species are equally, if not wantonly more guilty to blame for lately?
            I’m no longer surprised that despite all of this, we’re still able to procreate. All instinct and impulse never once taking into consideration unbiased logic. It would explain your rather hasty retort and hypocritical defense of the female genitalia.

          2. If I were to ever have taken you seriously, I might care what you are saying now.
            Let’s see… no, no, I still don’t.
            Labardine’s response to my comment had absolutely nothing to do with you or your “argument”, yet you acted as if it were a point for your side, “Ouch! lol.” I was neither hurt nor offended by labardine’s comment, but yours seemed more like an affront.
            To say that women are more guilty of “indoctrination, subjugation, hate, lying, cheating, and ultimately mental pain” than men is to be amazingly ignorant – pretending that women are on an equal playing field with men at this point is like saying there is no more racism. Get informed.
            Now I’m off to the snow, with my offline friends.
            Maybe you should leave your room too.

          3. Yet somehow you cared enough to actually respond to me with more than one line, in fact, eight. Impulse strikes again.
            This is funny, somehow you aren’t offended by his thorough, objectively written retort to your rather brutally biased opinion, but my one word-one acronym jest to it. Too bad you made the mistake of actually replying to me with yet another half-assed attempt at, not an ambiguous affront, but rather obvious cynicism. Oh wait, that’s right, you’re a self-proclaimed smartass, and encourage this type of behavior.
            I’ll give you two reasons to stake my claim: 1) I’ve dealt with more ill mannered females than you have fingers and toes, yet somehow I’m not a woman hating homosexual. Wait, I don’t think I ever recalled a gay man outright hating women.
            2) A social experiment conducted LONG ago where women have actually came out and admitted that they have cheated and what not.
            Get informed? How about you stop using different situations to compare men and women being on the same playing field when you sure as hell cannot compare racism to sexism. Ironically, feminism is no better, too bad I don’t see you dropping that foolish ideal anytime soon. You are no better than what you are biased against.
            By the way, when you do go outside, try protesting what you do online and see what kind of responses you get. No on second thought, don’t.

          4. You are a gem. Really, people like you are hard to find.
            Why can’t you compare racism to sexism? They are both cultural institutions which have served to limit the rights of a large group of people, they both began to crumble in America with the civil rights movement, they are both still relevant.
            Claiming that women, as a whole, are entirely responsible for imposing some kind of “relentless indoctrination, subjugation, hate, lying, cheating, and ultimately mental pain” that you have experienced is seriously pretty stupid. You’ve “dealt with” more than twenty “ill mannered” females!? Dear lord! If a seagull shit on you, would you develop some kind of impassioned drive to discredit all seagulls as notorious fly-by shitters? Twenty seagulls? You might be unlucky, but give me a fucking break.
            You’re so wrapped up in your fat ideology and rhetoric that you can’t distinguish a cheaply worded parody of your opinion from your opinion itself.
            And granted, there are huge problems with feminism in America, and there are a disappointingly large number of ridiculous self-proclaimed feminists who do indulge in something more like man-hating than feminism, but the problem with that is it’s counterproductive to achieving equality. Men are not morally superior to women, nor women to men, and making claims to the contrary only serves to marginalize your dumb ass and throw more fuel on the radical feminist/cheap misogynist fire. If you really want to show your superiority, go out and do something fucking superior, like saving the world.

          5. Racism is on a totally more grandiose scale despite the fact that they are cultural institutions, much more violent, there are still huge stigmas concerning it and totally indiscriminate of a person’s gender but chiefly prejudice against any person’s skin color. So no, you can’t compare the two.
            I don’t even know why you came to this comment not even remotely concerning you, only to try and undermine me. But then again, you’ve been hawking several of my comments up and down out of nowhere, and ironically, speaking in my favor? Do you really have anything better to do than to psuedo-antagonize people? Or should I remove the psuedo and just be completely blunt and say antagonistic troll?
            Thank you for taking what I said completely out of context, in what seems your favor to sound like you actually know something, try reading what I said again and tell me where I said females were “as a whole” to blame as well as “entirely”. Or are you just putting words into my mouth from assumption? Assuming is a bad thing to do.
            I don’t excersize ideology either, I don’t speak of theory, I deal with things in a matter-of-fact objectivity. Some people unfortunately, I find a lot cannot deal with that, because they don’t want to listen to anyone elses side but their own, regardless if the other’s right. That’s ideology, at least I will know what I am talking about. That cheaply worded parody doesn’t really sound like me either, it just sounded like a very eccentric protest as to why you did not agree with the lesbian(s) who tried to make men seem inferior.
            Now please, the next time you want to instruct someone on doing something suprerior, don’t put words in other peoples mouths, and practice what you preach. Instead of doing something productive, you’ve managed to successfully blow what I’ve said out of proportion and make yourself look dumb in the process. Not exactly “saving the world” material.

          6. Racism is bigger therefore you can’t compare racism to sexism? I’m sorry, that doesn’t follow.
            I’m commenting because being really serious about a debate regarding the relative merits of penises and vaginas is hilarious and I wanted to be a part of it. So, yeah, I think charactarizing me as an antagonistic troll would be pretty accurate. Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a douchebag, though.
            Where did I take you out of context, broski? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you said that women, as a freaking species, were to blame for “relentless indoctrination, subjugation, hate, lying, cheating, and ultimately mental pain.” Please point out the context that I’m not seeing which makes that statement less totally ridiculous.
            Yeah, everything you have to say is very matter-of-fact and objective. In fact, your posts are so filled with juicy, delicious, meaty, objective facts that I don’t think I’m going to have to eat for the next week or so. My reading list has been overwhelmed and totally taken over by the exhaustive list of citations and references from the footnotes of your epic comments. You’ve exposed me to a whole new word of intellectual depth and rigor.
            As far as my productivity goes, I’ll get back to saving the world after my vacation.

          7. She’s right in that I wasn’t taking your side. I didn’t read your stuff (and every time I think to… it just keeps getting bigger. =P) But I was commenting on her view which was sort of funny… posibly because it was intended with sarcasm.
            1)Girls’ orgasms can be pretty messy and gross too. ‘Wear some goggles’ messy, ‘buttery popcorn’ gross.
            2)Girls got their own issues… I addressed some of those.
            As for gender equality, here’s the crux of the matter. Both sides have stupid assholes that ‘ruin it for the rest of us’ on them.
            I’ve dealt with ill mannered females. I’ve dealt with ill mannered males too. I don’t like either variety. I’ve seen ill mannered males and ill mannered females make out and beget ill mannered children like maggots devouring our world. It makes me sad.
            True equality is sort of rough because at the end of the day, men and women are different creatures… Not one is better than the other… We each have our problems and our strengths and while some of those can be inter gendered, some of them just can’t be, sorry…
            As for equal playing field… It’s equal in that both sides of the field are rife with obstacles… Some might seem unfair to the other side… but some of the other side seems unfair to us.

          8. The thing though was, I never once said you took my side nor meant to imply it. I just saw your comment and laughed at it, nothing more. What I wish people would stop doing is assuming, there’d probably be a lot less comments in here by now.

          9. Well yeah… you seem overtaxed in this thread.
            I’m not attacking you. I was just clarifying my position a bit given that it’s being discussed after I stated it.
            In fact I agree with you to some extent on ‘feminism’ such as it is… and how it is different than racism. Hatred and prejudice based on race is different from that based on gender is different from that based on faith is different from that based on sexual orientation. Different types of ignorance, different reasons for it… different ways to talk and think through it.
            Anyway, while I don’t think women are angels… men are just as bad. But neither ‘all men’ nor ‘all women’ suck. You just have to really be patient and seek out the alright ones. And ignore the assholes if at all possible.

      2. Hey, I’d be careful about that. If that turns out to be the case evolution is going to get rid of it entirely. Lets both hope there is still a undiscovered reason behind it.

  2. I commented one more time on your entry Jeffrey!!! I love you that much!! ^O^
    I’m going vacationing 22~24+25 (maybe) so make sure you have your party before end of break (or so, even making it on New Years might be kinda cool… because having it at the boardwalk sucks!!!)
    BTW, I don’t have much money, but what do you want for your present?

    1. I’m pretty sure I’m having it on New Year’s. I’ve talked to a few of my friends; it seems they’re free.
      As for my present heh I dunno um. I can never think of anything I want; I never really even make wish lists or anything. Like, money is cool or whatever, and of course another picture like that could be totally rad as well.
      Or of course there’s the option for total surprise but hey whatever I dunno man being really humble and modest is really hard. 😐

          1. Uh I was thinking the dinner would be at Max’s and people would come back over for a movie or something. If you’re totally serious, we could set something up. If not, you’re so invited anyway.
            I’m thinking of having it on the 31st, though. Dunno.

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