Good night

Went to see the Incredibles with Saku, Ron, Lysette, and Ron’s friend Ryan. Met up with Kristi and Jennie downtown. Wow, total LiveJournal party, isn’t it.
Got some Peet’s, snuck in some Togo’s, saw the movie. Best Pixar film I’ve seen yet. Laugh-out-loud funny through and through, Pixar totally has their style down, and Elastigirl is a COMPLETE MILF.
After the movie, stopped by Quizno’s (oh by the way I seem to be forgetting to use first-person proper nouns so just so you know it’s I who went downtown and saw the Incredibles and went to Quizno’s ok lol.), and had the Steakhouse Beef Dip, the BEST FUCKING SANDWICH I HAVE EVER HAD. Actually, Kristi ordered two for herself. I can understand why. Oh my god so good the best I am eating there again very soon.
Broke off from the group and headed to the Boardwalk arcade, where I met Oniko, who’s visiting for the weekend. Basically did the usual… went back and forth between DDR EXTREME and beatmania THE FINAL. Once I get my IIDX controller (which, I’ve heard, gets released some time next week), I’ll definitely have to work on my technique… I’m really good at my sims because the keys are so close together. The fact that the scratch actually has to be moved back and forth and it’s completely adjacent to the other keys (like the Shift button is on the keyboard) definitely introduces a new challenge.
Headed back, met Liz and Linda on the bus, and enjoyed hearing the drunken ramblings of my fellow students.
I really think it’s the sandwich that made the night completely fucking awesome. I mean OH MY GOD I have never tasted something so wonderful.


      1. FRAAAAAAAAAANK!!! i met ryan last night, and there was some sort of miscommunication with his name. lance kept calling him frank.
        i don’t like quizno’s, so i can’t really relate on the sandwich. then again, i don’t like red meat either. =\

        1. It’s only red in the picture. It’s totally brown to the max in the real sandwich. The meat’s chopped too but it still tastes mighty awesome-fine!!!
          And if you don’t like Quizno’s YOU WILL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          1. in my book, red meat = meat from a mammal. i don’t like the taste of mammal-meat. haven’t eaten it regularly since i was…13, i think.
            and i find quizno’s sandwiches greasy. i don’t like greasy. it’s why i don’t eat the pizzas here.

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