
Remember when I linked http://www.sorryeverybody.com?
Too bad almost everyone in the gallery looks like a total fucking hick (and more than half of the pictures in the gallery are photoshops).


    1. Re: hahahahhh!
      Word… there was a tint of cheesiness already to the sorryeverybody site, regardless of whether or not it was legit, and now this is just downright pathetic, the irony.

  1. Man, those people are all so angry… and they WON. Imagine what it’d be like if they lost! =O
    And yeah, most of those aren’t even people, they’re stupid photoshops. OMGWTFBBQBINLADINISN’TSORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!11!!1one

  2. I like how everyone’s great reason to vote for Bush is the evil, evil terrorists who eat children for breakfast simply because they are so evil and only think of themselves.

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