
I’m expecting yet another rebuttal after people start posting THIS chart around, but this seems to be a more exhaustively researched chart of IQs vs. 2004 presidential choice, than the first one that was passed around.


    1. Sorry, I didn’t mean to say IQ.
      But on the other hand, I’m sure many would agree that SAT/ACT scores are much more important and much more accurate than IQs, seeing as they’re completely standardized, run by one company each, and determine whether people get into college or not.

      1. i disagree. you can be trained to score high on standardized tests, it has nothing to do with ability. for example, i happen to be a really good test taker, so i had a high SAT score to begin with. after i took a prep course i went up 190 points. it’s arbitrary.

        1. i hate the SATs, but the ACTs are quite awesome. Although i do wonder how you bias a test towards a certain race.
          “darkie has two lbs of collard greens and 20 lbs of chicken. how many meals does this make?”

    2. Additionally, IQ is an arbitrary term – it basically means the average intelligence of a group of people. Like they said on that page, they knocked 10 points off the “IQ” to make the average 100, which is, by definition, the average IQ.
      What they’re really measuring, despite the user-friendly division and subtraction, are standardized test scores.

    1. random: After reading all your woes about your high school being totally conservative and full of staunch Bush supporters, I thought it was hilarious that Kerry took Wisconsin. 😀

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