Soul Sneezation

Working at Trader Joe’s accomplishes these things:
1) daily workout quota
2) socialization with a wide variety of kinds of people
3) having *fun* opening boxes, categorizing food items and making them presentable (I used to do it when my mom was shopping. It’s like Tetris in real life, seriously.)
I’m really enjoying it, and I actually like the hours. Working late, not dealing with customers, just doing my thing for 4 hours surrounded by food , talking to coworkers, and listening to music, is quite a lot of fun. And of course, it’s much easier to do this than sitting and designing websites, in that I don’t get distracted at all.
I’m working with Simeon, and this guy Nick, who I’ve known from Jew school, and a few other events. But Nick broke his toe working today, and in the process, dropped a stack of boxes of wine bottles. Poor guy. :\
I’m still pretty bored during the day, but I’ve actually been CALLED UP AND OFFERED WORK (instead of the other way around) due to my resume being posted on craigslist. I’m being considered for the position of e-newsletter creator for a San Rafael-based insurance company. That would be really great, since it exercises my skills, pays well (although I’d only be doing it a few days a month for each issue), and I’ve made e-newsletters in the past for school-related stuff. So yeah, I hope that goes through!
I also have the opportunity to come to a SEGA Sports office in San Rafael to do game testing for $10 an hour… but… I know nothing of sports. :\ I’m not sure if they’d have me testing whether the AI is following the rules of the game or something, or whether it’s just troubleshooting bugs in general… because if it was the former, I’d be screwed. I guess I should call in to schedule an interview anyway.
Went to see Napoleon Dynamite with James and Bryan today, even though they’d already seen it. Good thing they enjoyed it even more the second time! I thought it was great, too. The main character is a PERFECT hybrid of my former roommate’s appearance, demeanor, and interests, and James’s rise to stardom. Yes!
My parents are away this weekend, and have left me to take care of the pets. Even more reason to leave the house, woo-ee!
And also, at this point, I see no way of selling FFXI legitimately, so um… does anyone want it for FREE before I break the law and try selling him on eBay or something stupid like that? :\


  1. Ow, it was acctually broken?
    I mean, I know he ran himself over with a forklift…but ow.
    And I guess that makes more sense as to why they were making a splint out of a spoon…=P

    1. There’s no mention of Bahamut at all in the entire game at this point. I’m assuming that they’ll add him on as a boss / summon during an expansion. You CAN fight a King Behemoth, though… they’re hard as freaking shit, though.

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