1. I’m distressed because of a lot of things. Most of them are academic.
      I’m not really doing well in any of my classes. My computer science class is a continuation of the one I took last quarter – and I think I aced my previous quarter’s class because I had a really good programming partner that knew what he was doing. The only problem is that he didn’t tell me what he was doing… so he left me rather lost.
      I did my comp sci midterm today. I think I did all right. I know which problems I didn’t answer correctly, at least. Hopefully that grade will make up for the horrible job I did attempting to complete my previous programming assignment… or at least raise my average.
      As for Calculus… well, I’m glad that there are two tutoring sessions in the next two days and the usual homework help section tomorrow, because at this point, I know close to NOTHING about the material that will be on the midterm on Friday. The lectures are really really hard to pay attention to and to follow – and my professor must eminate some sort of sleep powder when he talks. I mean, he’s a great professor, but all of a sudden I find my eyes closed in class, and I’ve missed 10 minutes of his spiel.
      My third class… well, it’s pretty easy, as we’re pretty much learning how to use a few Mac digital media tools, and I’m really good with software so it’s a cinch for me, but… I still turned in my first assignment late because I couldn’t burn it to CD when I was supposed to – my computer was spending the whole day re-installing Windows instead.
      And then there’s the usual social anxiety… I feel as if I’m becoming more distant from my friends. They probably see me as comic relief, but that title probably becomes an annoyance sooner or later, and I think that time is coming. And also, I continue to notice character flaws in my friends. I try not to, I try to focus on their good points, but a lot of them seem to still be really self-absorbed and oblivious to what’s happening around them. It’s not totally their problem, nor is it mine… but still, my social situation definitely isn’t the best it’s ever been. And I miss my friends from home.
      Thanks for asking, though. 🙂 I do get comments on my blogs nowadays, but it seems that most people get the most “moral support” if they just post one of those STUPID mood icons. One of these days when I’m feeling really, really good, I’ll post a blog about how happy I am, and then make the mood “depressed,” and see how many “*hugs* feel better!” comments I get.

      1. my professor must eminate some sort of sleep powder when he talks
        apparently yours does the same thing that mine does. as soon as i get into psych testing…it’s all over for me. i could be wide awake with adhd and i’ll fall asleep immediately…complete with drool 😛
        I feel as if I’m becoming more distant from my friends. They probably see me as comic relief, but that title probably becomes an annoyance sooner or later, and I think that time is coming
        that’s one of the reasons i want to transfer. partly because i want to explore my opportunies and feel somewhat trapped here within my as well as everyone else’s expectations. i almost feel like i’m losing who i am because there are so many people who associate me with the funny outgoing blonde girl. i’d like to also be the quiet one sometimes. but sadly the image people have me as isn’t one i’d always like to be associated with. i’m checking into different schools…soo…we’ll see. but yeah. i understand
        ::HUGS!!:: 🙂

  1. Ditto in some respects! 😛
    College has been rough so far for me this semester too. I’ve got several classes I rather regret signing up for in the first place that I’m pretty much stuck in until the end of the year. They’re much more difficult than I’m used to. PLUS, I’ve got MORE than a part-time job going for me as well. Factor that in with my random class times and I end up having NO free time to myself whatsoever. That means no time to make ANY friends here. I might as well just be a work machine of sorts.
    As a consequeence, I’ll be burned out by the end of this semester, not realizing what a blur this first year of college really was and end up feeling more than a little distressed and regretful. Add all of this to an annoying rooommate that’s snoring inceasantly as we speak and you’ve got one unhappy 80s Guy….

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