Obey The Tube

If you don’t read the newsposts for Penny Arcade, you probably haven’t seen this work of awesomeness. It’s a mod of Jedi Knight 2, but what’s most amazing is the modeling jobs. That’s almost like Kingdom Hearts-quality conversion from 2D to 3D. Check the characters page. They’ve even got Fruit Fucker all 3D’d up. 😮

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Stepmania got rid of its Print Screen feature in the latest release, or something stupid like that. Now I can’t show off finally getting an AAA on MAX300, or the 100% on Road of 2MB. …woot.

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Now that's just not right.

When Bush became president, I thought I’d be able to find comfort in California, where things just seemed different than in the rest of the country. You know, I thought there’d be sanity. Others moved to Canada. But we sure done fucked up today, didn’t we? I hope that the UC system can afford dorms… Continue reading Now that's just not right.

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No, I don’t think I’m going to blog every day from now on, but it’s just because I actually have things to say. Classes are great when they don’t happen until the afternoon, but that leads to a lot of slacking the previous day since you think you can get all your work done on… Continue reading SOMETHING IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!!

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This is directed toward a select few, but I’ll post it here instead so as not to sound like the ass that I really am: Recent DDR accomplishments: FC on Paranoia Brothers MAX2 FC on Midnight Blue FC on Genom Screams Double Heavy All at the Boardwalk, all in front of huge crowds – and… Continue reading OHHHH YEAAAH

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ABLGUAGBUGAB. GBALBLGBAGUBAUGBAGUH. AGBGLBAGLLGABUAGHUGH. Windows got a virus I couldn’t delete so I had to reinstall it. Goodbye registration for all programs. Goodbye personal settings. Goodnight moon. But at least I have XP Pro instead of XP Home now, thanks to Steven down the hall. Additionally, Christie ROX MAH SOX.

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Furthermore, I got one of those limited edition red Diesel Sweeties shirts with a pixellated yellow hammer and sickle. Yearg, I’m a cyber-communist!

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Porter has a little pond in one of the quads for koi fish. They swim up to where you sit (probably wanting food) and you can pet them. It’s sorta relaxing. Classes are mildly hectic. I’m enjoying Intro to Programming – I might soon reach a point where I don’t understand the material because it’s… Continue reading Oh

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