
Okay, I might as well tell alls y’alls how my operation went.
My lower two wisdom teeth were pressing up against my second molars… they were at about a 30 degree angle, and had they stayed in, over the next few decades my set of lower teeth might contract and overlap. My upper wisdom teeth were far from growing in, but sooner or later they’d start pressing on a groove in my second molars as well, so I said I might as well get everything done at once.
The day before my operation, I came in to sign a few liability forms and watch a video on how nerves can be severed and bones can be broken. I take it that some loons try to sue the doctor a few times a year, so at least he can’t say he didn’t warn ya.
I had chosen to be asleep during the operation. That was a very, very good idea. They stuck my arm with a tube of general anesthesia, and put an oxygen mask on me, and as they waited for me to peacefully drift off into dreamland, I got to talk to them about why my blood pressure was so low (DDR).
I woke up, was walked over to the next room, and I got to take a nice nap. Duh, the operation was over and I felt nothing. I did have a lot of gauze strips packed in the back of my mouth, though… that was probably the most painful part of the day.
So I was taken home, fed tapioca pudding between my completely numb lips, and took a few naps. What’s funny is that the medication I should be on causes drowsiness… and I’m supposed to take it every 3 hours.
Fortunately, today I’m in less pain and I’m able to function quite normally. I’ll probably be able to go into the city tonight… but someone else might have to drive me. Whatta concept.


  1. Glad the operation went well. And that was very wise of you to sleep during the entire operation.
    When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, it hurt like a bitch. Even the anesthesia they had injected in my gums still made me feel… When I left the dentists’ office that day, I screamed. Usually, I can tolerate pain, but I guess I can only tolerate so much.
    Drive into the city? Why not? If all else fails, take GGT! Though it may cost you about $3.25…

  2. OH TH’GAS
    Enjoy the drowsiness, and add applesauce to that limited food list. When I got ’em pulled, I just sat in bed with a jar of the sauce and finished it like SNAP.
    Shame I can’t SF with you and Grace tonight. =\

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