
I’m going to Comic-Con International this year! Yeah that’s about it see you there!

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I STILL don’t have any work to do! I am reading the Wikipedia entry on wood! I am not kidding, I am that bored! Oh whatever it is time for lunch.

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I'm at work!

First day at Autodesk is going very well. I’m in a cubicle which, while somewhat obscured by a giant pillar, still grants a nice view of the hills of Terra Linda. And I’ve already got a name tag for the cubicle! So professional! And the guy across from me has the same sort of name… Continue reading I'm at work!

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Parody Some dude (dudes? I think it’s the goons) is parodying the constant posters on ucsc_chatter. Shiranne and I are here cracking up about it, it’s pretty awesome.

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I love throwing CDs out. It feels good. It’s like, we’ve gotten to the point where these pieces of plastic aren’t worth keeping around! They’re numerous, cheap, and the information can be used once and thrown away. Old info isn’t worth keeping anymore – there’s the Internet if you ever need it again. Off into… Continue reading Plastic

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PSP game bids about to end! Check out my items! Ending in about 2 hours. Let’s see some sniping!

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Ben Samuel walked by and told me that someone shouted out my name in some sort of well-wishing session in Humanist Psychology, wishing good vibes towards me and that I “don’t feel so stressed.” Huh. I don’t know who wished that, but thanks, I guess. This past week has been a big essay-writing extravaganza, but… Continue reading Well-wishin'

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Gosh, I am using Ubuntu Dapper Drake on my Inspiron 9300 and I’m enjoying it immensely. I’ve added a bunch of repositories with awesome free stuff and I also enabled Xgl/compiz so my windows wobble, desktops rotate, I get Exposé features… I really feel as if I’m using a next-gen OS. At this point, I’d… Continue reading Lunix

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