Going outside (gasp)

Hey dudes on Saturday I will be hiking with the Marin Artists Hiking Club (and my mom) from the Bootjack parking lot down to Muir Woods and back – mostly in the shade along a creek. It’s four miles. Anything but strenuous. If you’ve got nothing to do Saturday morning why not join me? These… Continue reading Going outside (gasp)

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I was just thinking about the words “coming” and “going.” I’m going to James’s party thing tomorrow. So I told him “I’m coming to your party.” Now, I wouldn’t tell you that I was coming to his party, and it’d be a little weird if I told James that I was “going to your party.”… Continue reading Linguistics

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And, overnight, most of my files reappeared during a chkdsk. Not even GetDataBack could find them, but chkdsk did the trick. This is some freaky shit.

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So guess how much stuff I lost. 100GB worth of stuff! What’s good is that most of it’s replaceable, like movies or music… but there’s some other stuff, like photos, some drawings, stuff like that… not so great. My music library files were fine, but the music itself probably has to be all redownloaded (about… Continue reading Wowsers!

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Windows decided to run chkdsk on my storage drive and it now seems to be in the process of deleting everything. Or at least deleting “index entries.” This is some pretty rad stuff! I hope years of photos, music, programs, and other things are gone forever! (If anything really horrible actually happens I can probably… Continue reading Hmm!

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New computer sort of!

I have upgraded most components of my computer! Old specs: MSI KT4A-V Athlon XP 2600+ 1GB DDR333 SDRAM GeForce4 MX 4000 New specs: ASUS M2V Athlon 64 X2 4200+ 2GB PC2-5300 DDR2 RAM GeForce 7800 GT Staying the same, for now: 80GB 7200RPM PATA 250GB 7200RPM PATA CD-RW/DVD-ROM PATA DVD-RW PATA Ultra X-Connect 500W PSU… Continue reading New computer sort of!

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Fell in love: 19 Lost your virginity: 17 Lost someone close to you: 19 Drank alcohol: 13 (Bar Mitzvah) Smoked: NaN Got your heart broken: NaN Got arrested: NaN Broken a bone: NaN Got cheated on: NaN Rode the city bus: 6? Went to a concert: 4? Met someone famous: NaN Dyed your hair: 13… Continue reading Firsts

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Car is gone.

My car is gone! Sold it today. Released interest and liability and everything. Goodbye old car!

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