Yeah I realized afterwards that it was recording from the mic on the webcam so I didn’t need to be carrying that white thing around.
Author: JeffreyATW
JeffreyAtW Vlog 22
JeffreyAtW Vlog 21
Looking through my music
As you might notice, I choose songs for my vlogs that are the same length as the amount that I’ve videotaped. That is, if my video is 2:31, I’ll choose a song that is 2:31. I just realized that I have at least one song for every time between 0:02 and 8:51. That’s pretty cool!
JeffreyAtW Vlog 20
JeffreyAtW Vlog 19
JeffreyAtW Vlog 18
JeffreyAtW Vlog 17
JeffreyAtW Vlog 16
So okay I just wanted to say I think this is funny: It’s a dramatic artsy-fartsy LJ user icon… about Barack Obama. Talk about getting the youth vote. What I really want to know is who made it. Who spent their time making something like that. Also what is that blue thing – the world?… Continue reading ~*obama*~