Author: JeffreyATW
Update on silent phone.
Oh, so my phone was on SILENT all day yesterday. So THAT’S why I missed all the calls asking if I wanted to partake in festivities. See what the problem is?!
JeffreyAtW Vlog 57’t vlog because there are a bunch of people sleeping in my room who I didn’t invite and it’s really late and today sucked so I’ll say more tomorrow.
JeffreyAtW Vlog 56 ~* 4/20 SOMKE WEED EVERY DAY *~
JeffreyAtW Vlog 55
The Landlord
Required watching. Warning: Will Ferrel!
JeffreyAtW Vlog 54 one with content. Today’s rant: the media! Who the hell was Don Imus, or Gary Condit for that matter?
JeffreyAtW Vlog 53 this one, really! I actually talk about stuff that isn’t boring.
Fanime room
So I’m going over the people who are staying in the room at Fanime. Please comment if you plan on staying with us – don’t be put off by the amount of people already confirmed, as I’ll probably be able to upgrade to a larger one if needed. Confirmed: Me James Paolo Josh Holland Quincy… Continue reading Fanime room