Author: JeffreyATW
Fanime housing change
Hey dudes, just checking in with y’all – The original reservation I made was for a single with one king bed at $90 a night. I’ve been offered to upgrade that to $120 a night for a room with two doubles, and I believe I’ll be taking it. That means that for 6 people staying… Continue reading Fanime housing change
JeffreyAtW Vlog 63 must-watch! Chronicles my Internet life and shows you what comics to read and stuff.
JeffreyAtW Vlog 62*devolved
Livejournal Community.
Sometimes I wish there was a Livejournal-sponsored Livejournal Livejournal community. That’s grammatical. That is, I wish there was an official community, created by Six Apart, for people who consider themselves part of the LJ community to join. It would all go to hell, of course – something scattered with ads, drama, and totally weird shit… Continue reading Livejournal Community.
JeffreyAtW Vlog 61 HONEY?!?
JeffreyAtW Vlog 60
JeffreyAtW Vlog 59
Player piano
Just a minute ago I noticed that I had been “playing piano” with my hands on my hips, to a song I had listened to a few hours ago. I was quite unconscious of it and I did not know how long I had been doing it for. It’s quite scary, in fact – I… Continue reading Player piano
What American accent do you have? Created by Xavier on Western. Like Midland, Western is another accent that people consider neutral. So, you might not actually be from the Western half of the country, but you definitely sound like it. Take this quiz now – it’s easy! We’re going to start with "cot" and… Continue reading Linguistics!