
New poll for allsyalls! That is, as soon as my STUPID COMMENTS start to work again… grr… If a truck were to crash, what do you think would be the funniest contents for it to spill all over the freeway?

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I thought I’d share my list of pending MIDI requests. Seeing each one takes me an average duration of a month because of my busy schedule, it may be a YEAR before you hear some of these.Green text denotes an original composition. 1. P Diddy – Bad Boy For Life2. Final Fantasy X – Final… Continue reading Untitled

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It’s a MIDI day! I completed a request by Raichu86: the Golden Sun Overworld Theme.

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Hee! New fansong by Brian Young! Listen, you ingrates. Furthermore, there’s a new section, called Fansongs, on the MIDI page. That’s where all remixes of my compositions will go.

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Why I will NOT be buying Kingdom Hearts.

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HOT or NOTOfficial Rating9.6based on 157 votes Check out my picture! My raw votes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How HOT are you? – www.hotornot.com

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Back. The end of the trip was fun, fun, fun! I guess I’ll post from where I left off. Forgot to say that on Monday, I bought a Hybrid album, “Additional Remixes and Productions by…” It’s a continual mix of some popular electronica songs put together by Hybrid. It’s rather freakin’ sweet. Tuesday:We took a… Continue reading Untitled

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I’m at the Santa Barbara Public Library right now… there’s this long line to use the computers with internet access, but I GOT ONE! WOO! I might as well recap the Southern California trip so far so I don’t post some short inaccurate CRAP writeup when I get home. I’ll do the day-by-day recap-o-rama. Friday:My… Continue reading Untitled

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Picture of Mark Lee (from the Adventures of Paul Chun) next to his twin brother, popular comic strip character Garfield. (Picture taken by Paul Chun.) I decided to touch it up just a little to make it look nicer, so take a look. There isn’t a big difference between the two.

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::life is ummmmmmmmmm:: Some bloggers think they can say ANYTHING just as long as it’s in lowercase and surrounded by colons. DAMN! Well it’s time now for the MARIO IS STONED Inc. ™ Company Poll (sm)(r)! Post your answer in the comments! Today’s POLL OF JUSTICE:What is the brand of shoes you are currently wearing?… Continue reading Untitled

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