1. I think everybody is way too paranoid about the draft bill. There’s probably a worse, more consequential option lying around somewhere and the Bush Administration are just the group of people to find it and use it. Since he’s a big fan of God and prays alot to him, I think the answer is in the book of Exodus myself. Look for the Bush administration to harness the seven plagues of ancient Egypt and use them to fight evil. It’ll still do dick in the case of Osama Bin Laden as he’s something like the 87th born son…
    Besides, as is, the bill won’t pass as it won’t save the future top one percent from it and quite frankly who wants to run the risk of having to be in a trench with a Hilton sister? So wait for something that recruits only ‘blue thinking’ individuals.
    The traditional ‘poor people cull’ would fuck up some of his base by sending them off to die and exposing them to foreign culture.The last thing Bush wants is a renaiscance. Besides these people are our farmers… our ranchers and our American spirit. They have to stay in America and keep its spirit strong while the brave and those chosen by destiny march bravely forward to meet it, in a way their job is much more important as most small jobs are.
    So look at the T-shirt to find out where people are going to be drafted from. All that’s left will be to guess what they’ll call it. I think it’ll be The Ultimate Iniative for Freedom or The Beating Heart of Freedom Movement.

      1. Yes. I know this. I’m telling you why it won’t pass if it get’s brought up again as is. But I’m also agreeing with the nice man who’s words still ring true… the draft issue probably won’t disappear… Especially if y’all are going to be taking it to evil with a mandate.
        If I was more interested and felt like searching for it I’d hunt down that video clip where Bush essentially says “We won’t continue to fight this war with an all volunteer army… Whoops I mean weWILL… we WILL.” I understand it can be dismissed as an innocent gaffe… but I think Bush and definitely Rumsfeld kept referring to Osama Bin Laden as Saddam Hussein (after he was captured)for a minute there… So I don’t know if it’s simply gaffing or mixing up the public line and agenda truth…
        So maybe you should wonder how you can be drafted without being able to call it a draft. I think that’s a respectable line of thought with these people…

  2. Someone should make a map of the us that like,every citizen has the same land occupation, if you know what I mean. Like,New York would be huge,but Montana would be really small. Like,if every american had one square mile, then New York would be like,what,5 million square miles? And Nebraska would be…oh…200,000?(pulling the #’s out of my ass) So it would look like a skewed US, but really its just showing population desity.
    As far as the video goes,it really gives me hope and almost makes me proud to be an American.

  3. I like how it’s only available in M, L, XL and XXL.
    I SO want that t-shirt, but I bet it’d get stuck in the tax department on its way here..

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