If Napster Was From The 80’s.
One of the most hilarious things I’ve seen in a long while. Oh boy, thank goodness for nostalgia…
Oh, and if you’ve already seen it (20 years ago even) and you care to vocalize it in a haughty manner, it’s called being an ass.
*does the Running Man*
It took me at least 3 minutes before I figured out that this wasn’t a joke.
Wow. Now we know where Al Gore got that phrase. XD
Hmmm, I hate to be a technical wet blanket, but that short was made in 1992!! NOT ine 80s at ALL! I, of all people, should know. When watching the video I guessed it was anywhere between 1991 and 1994…and I was RIGHT! SCORE! Hey, to ME, the 80s ended in 1991 so it’s REALLY not 80s. But, anyway, I’m sure I’m just stressing a point that wasn’t meant to be emphasized in the first place. So, whatever.