
Last year I only posted 10 entries for the month of May. Cause: Final Fantasy XI.
All my friends are playing World of Warcraft now. O gad. I’ve actually got free time now, but… GAH. Gotta do something else! And it’s totally not worth the monthly fee to me.


    1. Heh, for me the first few levels sucked. In fact, I thought the game really sucked for a number of months, until some friends got on and we got to do activities together… but most of it was all just leveling up forever.
      I “beat” the game at level 54, that is, did some big ol’ boss which is like at the end of the original game without expansions. Decided to call it quits from there.

    1. Dude I know what an MMORPG is, I just said I was playing one last year. Put over a solid month of time into it in one half of 2004.
      World of Warcraft is nice because you can do a lot of shit on your own – you don’t HAVE to party all the time like in FFXI, so you can get started really quickly. It’s STILL time-consuming, though, and my dad will give me shit at home for sitting around and playing it all the time.
      The thing is, though, a lot of my friends from here are on it.
      Not planning on doing it as of now, though.

      1. Yeah, I know… I speak from experience from evercrack, 10six, Ascheron’s call… lots of stuff. DAOC… Eeek. Oh dear.
        Sure, a lot of your friends are on it, but trust me, you have more friends who aren’t on it, and if you get on WoW you’ll lose them =/
        I’m so much happier now that I don’t play video games… Sure, I want to blow stuff up occasionally… but I feel… liberated.

  1. Guild Wars is good but I can’t guarantee how much fun you’ll have on your own, The highest times for me are with big parties of friends. It gets amazingly lonely to play by yourself.

  2. Ah the days of Jeffury, Bristleburr, Pants and Yatsu. They were fun times, but its kinda nice that most of us *coughYatsucough* have moved on. Sunlight is nice as well.

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