My heroes!


  1. Jeff, I love you.
    strange, and to think that those people are allowed to walk the streets and SAY these things to people, whereas say, oh, if i said the same thing about christians.. damn you could bet i would be considered more of a threat as i’m considered a “polygamous lesbian-fag god-hating heretical witch” or something like that
    but anyways.. that’s great Jeff! i had fun being amazed by their ignorance while simultaneously being horrified that these people are allowed to be alive.
    one of my favorites was:
    “Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It’s no different…More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.” – Pat Robertson
    Can someone PLEASE tell me where we’re shoving hundreds of Christians a day into gas chambers, where we’re doing “medical experiments” on them, or somewhere where there’s ANY OTHER RESEMBLANCE to having them in a concentration camp???? PLEASE?
    and, of course, as an environmentalist who does happen to believe this world is soon coming to an end, this one’s great:
    “We don’t have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand.” – James Watt

    1. Re: Jeff, I love you.
      “Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It’s no different…More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.
      yeah… defintely more terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.
      why is it that these people give such absolutely retarded arguments like this, or make stupid statements? I mean, do they actually believe themselves?
      what a twisted world we live in…

      1. Re: Jeff, I love you.
        it’s so true. like – the christians are more persecuted than like.. BLACK SLAVES. because we regularly beat christians, make them do backbreaking work like picking cotton, and we steal their babies and sell them and we rape them and then we lynch them, and end by hanging them on trees, burning them alive, then laughing and having a mint julep. ah-hah-hah-hah-ha.
        i think they DO actually believe themselves. that’s why it’s so INSANE.
        maybe if they said thinks like “We’re more persecuted than any minority in history… PSYCH! BOOYAH! HAHAHAAHAHAHA you totally fell for it!” then things would be different.

  2. G’ahhh, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this page….
    All right, some of these people…you have to realize they’re crazy. -_-; I mean, geesh, take it from a legitimate, born-again Christian! Some of these people are plain throwing mud on the name of God and doing what they want, using Christianity only as a name. It did sicken me as well to read these things. =\ Others, though, from actual true blue Christians were taken out of context. Granted, I haven’t heard every single one of these quotes or they’re context…but really, James Dobson isn’t a bad guy! And these others, they’re giving neutral quotes talking about what they believe in, but coupled with all these other outrageous ones (“…you should get AIDS and die, you pig”?! NO!!) make them out to be crazy, psycho Christians who will burst through your door with fire coming out of their eyes, Bible in hand, and will tell you “yer gonna die and burn in hell, you atheist pig, you sicken me”, then go lobby around your house with other likeminded people with signs.
    No. Freaking no. That isn’t what Christianity is about. >_<
    I hate it how when a “Christian” gets the attention of the worldwide public, they’re always some crazy who says horribly idiotic things, and everybody rallies ’round and mutters about how “terrible religion is, and this only proves it”. -_-
    Edit: Sorry about the double-post…had to fix a tag x_X

    1. yeah, it’s funny how all of my christian friends *don’t hate everybody who’s not like them* sure, they may not believe i’m going to heaven, in fact they may be worried about my eternal soul, but they don’t tell me that God hates me.. they let God make up His own mind. : )
      sorry for randomly replying even though i don’t know you. gotta love the quasi-forum aspect of LJ : D

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