Birth birth birth being born

Note to self: try this when I get back to school…
Happy birthday, you sly dog! Saku made me this and it was an amazingly pleasant surprise. I am still being pleased now. Skies of Arcadia is the best RPG on the Dreamcast that I ever played in Saku’s room… and more!!!
I’m going somewhere with my mom for my birthday. Perhaps some gallery on 4th street or going to a movie or something. It’ll be nice. I think I’ll spend the rest of the day changing “18” to “19” on all of my online bios everywhere. 😛 😛
But for more seriouses, I need to talk about party stuff. First of all, I’ll be increasing the reservation at Max’s from 8 to 11. This list shows status of who will/might be coming. Thanks a lot guys, it’ll be great having all y’all over.
A few things I need to take care of:
– first, just FYI, I’m going to be paying for Max’s for everyone – and while that’s totally fine by me, perhaps the following movie (whatever that might be) could use some extra snacks provided by all. You know, chips, cookies, drinks, whatever. And by “whatever,” I mean “whatever.” You can bring whatever you want, yes, everything is okay. It’s fine with me and it’s fine with my parents. In fact, for those who are coming, could you please comment to tell me what you might bring, if anything? You’re not required to but it’d be great if you could.
– beau, about your band playing – I definitely want to make time for you guys to set up, play a good amount… I’m thinking early afternoon, like some time around 3ish, when people are arriving. Talk to me about details – I’m psyched that you guys want to play – I just need some specifics about a few things.
– Saku, Paolo, Richie, I’m going to be driving around the bay around noon picking all y’all up. I’ll probably make a loop around the bay, clockwise – Richie, you live in San Francisco, right?
That’s about it. Woo the rest of this vacation will be fun. 😀


  1. i can’t wait mang, thanks for having me come to this, i look forward to spending time with you on the day of your birth, it should be great. happy birthday! and thanks again for the ride! in advance! game boy!

  2. My band is still not a sure thing, they haven’t confirmed whether it would disrupt plans they already have or if they’re willing to do it for no money, but if we were to play, it would probably best if we played after dinner in the early evening, like from 7:30-8:30 or something. You don’t need to worry that much about noise, we usually play in restaurants and are totally accustomed to the art of keeping it down. Unless you like, very specifically want us to play loud or something.
    Also, does your sister have a drum kit at the house? I’d use my own cymbals/pedal/sticks either way. If so, what’s the make/model and would it be kosher if I played on it? That would make transportation a lot less of a hassle for us.

    1. Okay I just got a confirmation from the guitarist, and he can play in the afternoon but not the evening (he’s going to see Les Claypool’s Flying Frog Brigade), so 3:00PM-4:30 PM or so is looking like the groovity groove zone. I just need to get confirmation from the bassist and we will be flying high.
      You don’t also happen to have an upright bass with a built-in pickup floating around there, do you? Because that would make transportation a lot easier too.

    2. Lily can answer stuff about drums, she might be able to do that. As for a bass, uh, no. 😛 But I’d be willing to help out with drivings if I can. My mom’s got a truck, we might be able to use that if at all applicable.

    3. Hey Beau this is Lily.
      I have my drum kit at my Mom’s in Terra Linda, so if it’s a problem I can get my drum set to my dad’s. However it’s not there right now.
      Hit me up if you need it for sure because I’m sure Jeffrey would be willing to drive me down there to pick it up.

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