
Things have been really slow around here since I have Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays completely off. The thing is, having so much free time makes for big slack-off periods, and that just can’t happen. Hence, my schedule for next week:
Monday – Work on Computer Science homework
Tuesday – Work on Media Authoring homework
Wednesday – Work on Computer Science homework
Thursday – Work on Media Authoring homework
Friday – Work on Computer Science homework
Yeah, I have a lot of homework in those classes, and nothing’s due until finals, but I need to get an early start to ensure procrastination will not ensue. Wish me luck.
In other news, I’m definitely getting heavier. My pants aren’t too comfortable anymore, and you know that when pants aren’t comfortable, action must be taken. Much DDR will be had. Maybe I’ll even take up jogging, who knows.
Awesomest news of recent: Sun Microsystems has a few internship openings, and my dad, having worked for Sun over the past 15 years, landed me an interview. If I get the summer internship, I’ll be doing internal project web design, and maybe some light programming. Aye, that’d be totally awesome.
I’m a WHM34/RDM17 in Final Fantasy XI.
Hmm. Did I even mention that I have two monitors now? Yeah. I got a new 17″ LCD monitor as a Christmas present, and instead of throwing away my perfectly fine 15″ one, I bought a dual-display video card and I now have quite the workspace set up. The big screen for work, the smaller screen for, uh, play, I guess.
I met a few more UCSC bemani people through LiveJournal. Might go to the arcade with them from time to time.
My site is still gone… and Oktagone is being INCREDIBLY slow, simply dropping hints about where I can find my backed-up site. One day, they say that they can give me the URL to a tarball of my site, a few days later, they say that they’re trying to FIND it… ugh.
And that’s about it for now.


  1. Jeffy is soo cwooot!
    Nice character thingie.
    I should probably actually PLAY ff XI…
    Hey, what compsci course is it?
    Maybe I can help you out, if it’s a language I know.
    mm.. dual displays… 😀

    1. MATH19B – Introduction to Data Structures.
      We’ve been working with Java all quarter, but are just now going into C. I have the task of converting a Java program I’ve done INTO C… I wonder if there’s any easy method for that.
      UCSC gives out Virtual Studio .net for free, so I’ll probably be using that. Been using NetBeans for Java up until this point.

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