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    New Fanart!

    Heyz. Haven't updated fanart yet, but got two new ones. One by NoStylin which he did of Todd before he sent in the guest comics, and a group shot of the LD crew sent in by B-Jay.

    Another LD quiz!

    Well, I was bored and thought the fans deserved something for waiting so patiently, so I came up with this: What LD character are you???

    Fanart by JinuSean

    It's awesome, but you'll never guess where to look for it!

    Two new fanarts

    Mmmm... BEEFY.

    Let's Dancing Quiz!

    Test your LD knowlege, take the LD quiz!

    Even MORE Fanart!

    Dartyman drew Dick being BAD.

    More Momo Fanart

    Amazing rendition of Zoot Guy with a Meatboy, thanks Momo.

    News Archives