Hoohah. I get to go to the city today. I bought a pretty dress yesterday and then I saw Metropolis which is a really cool (and really long) silent film directed by Fritz Lang. If you haven't seen it commence to spank yourself ten times.
Heh...lymph nodes.
Does the word "moist" make you go ew? It makes me go ew.

9/2/2002 08:02:33 AM
I would like to thank Sean for sending me the lyrics to that song about pedophilia. The lyrics were very deep and I shall fully appreciate them in my head the next time I follow Cody to the playground.
So far nobody has e-mailed me regarding my little sign at school and I'm a bit worried that this generation is filled to the the brim with apathists. DOESN'T ANYBODY CARE ABOUT WHAT THIS SOCIETY IS COMING TO?! You're all meshuginah if you don't!! YOU'LL ALL GET BLOWN TO BITS DUE TO THIS ADMINISTRATION!! Alright, now I'm going to carefully step down from this soap box...
Parents are yuck-ick. Well, one is, anyway. Well, they both are, but somehow it's never at the same time...
Divorces are more yuck-ick though. What is the statistic now, something like 60% of America? Sad. DADDY GET MARRIED TO MOMMY AGAIN OR I'LL GO FAR AWAY FOR COLLEGE!! I'LL DO IT, TOO!!
Oh and by the way...GIVE ME QUOTES. Oh, and by the way: if you can guess who I'm quoting in my webcam caption you get a COOKIE! (The real kind, not the computer kind)

9/1/2002 12:28:59 PM
Um...I think I'm going out with this guy...maybe...kinda...I dunno. Actually I'm kind of confused. But what else is new? ANTIFLAG ROCKS MY FRIKKIN WORLD.

8/31/2002 11:42:08 AM
While most of the people in this world are worried about being indigent, I'm worried about being single.
Anyway, last night was SO COOL. I was walking down the street with a group of people, all of us singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" at the top of our lungs and I realized that life is good.

8/31/2002 09:57:52 AM
My webcam's being so crazy!! I don't feel good.

8/30/2002 04:38:24 PM
Whoever said "a picture is worth a thousand words" was reading Where's Waldo while high on weed.
I think my dreadlock idea has been vetoed.
My dad is trying to encourage me to dye my hair black but I really want ORANGE DREADLOCKS!!!! I want to be like Milla Jovovich!! I WANT TO BE PREETTTYYY!!! AAAAAAAAA!! I WANT THE GUY I LIKE TO FRIKKIN REQUITE MY FEELINGS FOR ONCE!! Oh, oops, how'd that get in there? (Nervous laughter...)
I've been told that he just isn't interested in a relationship. Oh, tell me he thinks I'm ugly, annoying, or scary but don't tell me he's a commitment-phobic!!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!! That means that I can't better myself in any way to win his affections!! WHY, GOD, WHY?!! I'm so inconsolabe. Oo! Cartoons! I love cartoons!! Everybody go look at, okay?

8/29/2002 07:19:47 PM
The beginning of this school year is not the most auspicious it could be...
I cried today. I haven't for quite some time and I guess all the feelings have been gathering up in me waiting to be let out. The event that triggered my tears was the end of my book in which it says that the main character moves on in his life and never sees his girlfriend ever again. Having heavily identified myself with this main female character I was heartbroken by this and I was reminded of my own failed romances and before I knew it I was sobbing. I say this without out self-consciousness because I know nobody reads this :)
Well, I'm off to do homework, imaginary reader.
Heigh ho

8/28/2002 05:34:38 PM