Weekend while grounded and missing out on friend activities...bad times.

Super Bowl Sunday with a room full of guys setting a new record for Most Gay Jokes in 4 Quarters...good times.

Now to finish this article on senior pranks...enjoy these spankin' new AIM quotes in the meantime.

Oh, and in case you missed em: Super Bowl Ads because I'm low on update content ...meh, if anything, just watch #s 3 and 18. =D

>> posted by CaptainCanada at 1/24/2003 02:15:28 PM

Sitting here in Journalism sure is fun. This class should really be a club, or at least a shortened period--we do NOTHING. We're assigned an article, given a deadline, and then we do nothing for the rest of the class--that's two years in a row I get a 6th period class where you do nothing but surf the net.
Mine's on senior pranks (I'll talk about some of the past, with ratings), and I'm going to try to get Adam's picture of the senior prank he helped on once into our school paper. =D

Bugh, this girl Alana has the loudest, most obnoxious voice ever.

At least guitar is looking to be okay--starting the class 2nd semester actually didn't put me behind the class as far as I thought, since they spent the first semester learning to read music. Getting the frets down is tricky, since I'm used to using different fingering on a violin...but anyway, yeah, dropping the calculus has taken a huge load off my shoulders. I've gone over it a thousand times with my counselor and parents, and it's gonna be okay--I still have 2 AP classes and a 6 course schedule. It was interesting to hear that in some schools they only let you take 2 AP classes because anything more is (and was, for me) suicide. And besides, it's 2nd semester senior year, applications are sent in; as long as I pass and have a decent schedule, what more to colleges do I have to prove?

Speaking of parents, I've been "disowned"--IM me if you want me to explain the situation to you and bring your day down. -_-

Started speech therapy yesterday, and didn't stutter at all, ironically. Like I've said, it never comes in during a one-on-one talk--only around big groups or people I don't know well enough. The rapist says that my first step is to start looking people in the eyes more--yeah, even Jeff's mom commented on that a long time ago.

The Starbase tourney is in 8 days, I can't wait. I've picked my song, but I have no chance (or plans) of memorizing it, so I'm gonna wing it and try to improv as best I can--right now I'm replaying it and trying to find a spot or two where I can choreograph something interesting. And now Maple, a moderator at DDRFreak, says he might come--great, now I have no chance of placing in the PA division. :P

>> posted by CaptainCanada at 1/23/2003 01:58:53 PM

Five points to the guy who can tell me wtf is going on in this picture by Axer:

Things aren't bad lately. Then again, it could be the 4 day weekend talking, but...=)

I found the huge bag of French candy I never finished selling for school (I forked out enough money to buy the rest of the bag earlier just to get extra credit :)--wow, that stuff is so generic and chalky that it's good. Also, the Shoryuken.com Evolution DVD came in the mail yesterday, joy. Friday, I Oasised and Starbased and got my chest grabbed a lot by various...guys. >_<


Yesterday, Mom and I drove down to a Starbucks to meet my college interviewer, except the flake STOOD ME UP. Nice going, that's really a way to give a good name to your college (*cough*, WILLAMETTE, *cough*).

To make matters worse, the guys I was supposed to be meeting for the DDRoad trip stood me up at CVGL as well. Let's summarize what happen:

  • CVGL not only has Extreme, MAX2, and 4th+, but they have the last two priced at 5 songs for a dollar, w00t.
  • I slipped big time and embarassed the crap out of myself while playing doubles.
  • Got a 303/30 perfect/great ratio on Make Your Move.
  • Was "heckled" for the first time by this little kid who got on the pad next to me and started freaking out. I give him the D.A.R.E. inspired Cold Shoulder.
  • Stupidly chose a nonstop course on Standard difficulty, meaning the 1337 regulars had to watch me do four really easy, uncomplicated songs in a row (by the time I was done, my crowd was gone :).
  • Got my ass handed to me by a regular at MvC2 who belongs on the DVD I just got (remember what I just said about the lack of good competition in this game? :P). Beh.
  • Finally, I saw the guy who's in this video at 1:47-2:02, full comboing every doubles song he played...didn't interview him for the "documentary", though, since I couldn't sputter out any words out in that atmosphere if I tried...

    Today, I went down to Walnut Creek for my last college interview today with a Pitzer representative. Agghh, another "extroverted, extremely liberal" place that I probably won't have a place in. It has great film facilities, but the representative emphasized that the types of people who belong at that college are those that speak out, attend rallies, give speeches and whatnot...seeing as I don't have a political agenda at all, who knows. He kinda scared me off. Even if I do get into Pitzer, I probably won't end up going. =\

    Still have to give Soy her Christmas gift...and oh yeah, I never threw my August 31st birthday party. >_<

    And now, Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, as heard by Indogutsu.

  • >> posted by CaptainCanada at 1/19/2003 02:46:10 PM