Fun story (guest starring Cross Country pictures): Today after school (eh minimum day because of finals oh), I decide to take the bus home instead of mooching a ride off of somebody. I walk one block from my school, and in the distance I see two buses, one of them mine, stopping at their respective stops two blocks down. I start sprinting like a madman, just in case they take extra long...but of course they don't, and leave. Fortunately, they turn left to stop by the hospital. So, forgetting that there's another bus stop on the OTHER SIDE OF THE SIDEWALK that they return to, I continue running through the parking lot of the hospital, trying to make it to the hospital bus stop before the buses. Ever tried to outrun a bus?
I find that the actual bus stop is a good distance away from the lower parking lot that I'm in, so I start back...and realize that the other bus stop is back from where I started. So it's back to more of the same to beat the buses. When I finally get to the "first" stop, I see some You Go Girls and a YGGuy (haven't figured out a good name for guys YGGs hang around) waiting at the bench. Seconds later, the buses come, and, out of breath, I walk over to The Pole to let the bus in front know I'm there. The YGGs stay on the bench, doing some IMPORTANT last second talking. The bus stops for me, I check the number to see if it's right. Whoops, it's the 1 College of Marin, not the 1 Novato. I back off, the driver sees that I'm not getting on, and closes the doors. A YGG on the bench who had to get on that same bus snaps her head up as she hears the doors close and, with a picture perfect "WHAT!!", starts to run (<-- she's in the middle) after the bus as it leaves, in the exact cartoony style of me a few moments ago. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the Sharkie Powaa as I had during Cross Country season, so all the flailing was for nothing. She has to wait another half hour for the next bus. =D Her friends look at me (the YGGuy has the same expression as he did when I first saw him, of course) and I hear "stupid ass" and "that's hella dirty"--fortunately, the bus I want is right behind the first one, so I hop on, slip my ticket in, and I'm HOME FREE, BABY. She's probably still waiting there as I write this. And, and yesterday, the bus driver just stopped the bus for a full 2 or 3 minutes because someone accidentally pushed the button for a stop that was one stop too early. And she was pissed... Ah, public transportation... |
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And just when I thought the 20 page paper was over, along comes Finals week.
Since I have a lack of content as usual (wait...crap, I forgot...I got some RPG cliches), here's a CD cover I worked on in Photoshop for school (as part of the series of burned electronica CD's I've made): yayay (Fun trivia: the tiny text is actually part of the Chocobo Racing review, and Jeff's "Cloud 'n Me" fanfic :) I wonder how many total "yayay"s that makes for me... |
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