1: Failed by Jeffrey Billy sees a DDR machine Billy plays a song Billy fails and walks away with hands in pockets --------------- 2: by Bryan Billy's mom: How was school, Wilhelm? Billy: My name is Billy. Billy's mom: You should learn to love your name, Wilhelm! You were named after your great grand uncle, the famous tap dancer Wilhelm von Schact! Billy: ...dancin's fer fags. Billy's mom: What did you say?! Billy: I said "Dan's server lags." --------------- 3: Handshake by Jeffrey Todd: Billy! Billy: Todd! they smack heads together Billy: We have got to think of a better handshake one of these years... Todd: (one that involves hands...) --------------- 4: by Bryan Todd: Hey, you been to the arcade recently? They've got this new game called something like "Dance Dance DANCE!! Revolutionaries." Billy: Yeah, uh, I tried it... Todd: Oh yeah! I worked up a sweat and passed "Boom Boom Dollar!" The difficulty says it requires BOTH feet! *laugh track* Todd: Dude, you have a laugh track? Lucky. --------------- 5: Excess Flab by Jeffrey Todd: It's so cool! You've gotta come down and try it again with me! Billy: I don't know. It looks stupid. You prance around like a fairy and win the game. I think I'll stick with my high score in Centipede. Todd: Well I think it's pretty aerobic. I could stand to lose some weight. Billy: Well yeah, I guess you're right. Todd: (takes off jacket, revealing scrawny figure) I mean, look at this flab! --------------- 6: (Billy and Todd arrive back at the arcade) Todd: Yeah, so there's this other great song, Love This Feeli-- WHOA! Tsuyoshi is dancing wildly at the machine, determined expression on face Machine: OH MY GAWD! Tsuyoshi: YES! C on Paranoia on Heavy!! Machine: YOU ARE THE BEST DANCER SINCE THE LAST ONE I SAID THIS TO! Todd and Billy stand wide-eyed (and pupiled) and gaping at Tsuyoshi. --------------- 7: Buckets of Tears by Jeffrey Machine: You are supreme! Tsuyoshi: Yes, yes, I know. Machine: It's a new rekkid! Tsuyoshi: Of course! Machine: I can't stop crying! Buckets of tears! Tsuyoshi: Okay, that's just cheesy. (same picture of Todd and Billy gaping) --------------- 8: by Brad Tsuyoshi: (points) Smell ya later, fools! Because you, uh, probably smell bad! Yeah! Todd: Did you see that guy?! Billy: Yeah, that was pretty cool! Todd: (Holds up fist, tear comes to eyes) He... was the king... of dance. Billy: (in background sorta) Uh, yeah, okay. Todd: One day, Billy, one day, we will be as good as he. Billy: ...Sure thing... Todd: It is our mission... nay, it is our destiny! Billy: (thinks) I wonder if he'll notice if I leave... --------------- Uh, 9 and 10 have been taken care of - I lost the script and don't want to retype it. --------------- 11: Turn That Racket Off by Jeffrey (Billy and Todd look forward worriedly as horrible music flows by) Billy: My ears! Todd: My feet! Both (as they play, with crazy yet blank expressions on their face): noooooo Jack: TURN THAT RACKET OFF! --------------- 12: Split Personality by Brad Jack: Ever since I installed this machine - with my BARE HANDS - it's been causing me nothing but HEADACHES!! Billy: Then why did you install it? Jack (switches to nice): Well not only is it a sound investment, but I just love seeing the faces of children as they dance! (They both stare forward) --------------- 13: Love/Hate Relationship by Jeffrey Jack: I'm sorry about that outburst back there! I'm undergoing some emotional training so don't mind me. I'm Digital Jack, the owner of this arcade. Jack: Here, let me treat you to a free game! Remember, everything's half price on Tuesday and Thursday! By the way, try "After the Game." That song is for beginners! Seeya! Billy: I'm beginning to hate this arcade. Todd: I'm beginning to love this arcade! --------------- 14: Meatboy by Bryan --------------- 15: Tip by Jeffrey Todd is playing DDR, Tsuyoshi is behind him Tsuyoshi puts a quarter up Todd: Ooh, a tip, thanks! Todd: If I get money at this stage, just wait until I get really good! Tsuyoshi: HEY! Get back here! --------------- 16: by Bryan --------------- 17: Gaylord of the Dance by Jeffrey (just a picture of them dancing) (same picture, speech off frame) Heh heh, gay. Gay. Gay. (picture of BAD standing in front of Tekken machine) Andre: Those guys are total gaylords... of the dance! Dick: Good one, Andre! Bubb: Gay. Todd: ... Billy: Don't listen to them. They have no idea what they're talking about. Machine: In the navy... --------------- 18: Team BAD by Bryan Andre: Look at 'em dance! They dance as if they're gay! Get it? Dick: HAHAHA! Billy: Look, just who do you think you are? Andre: We are BAD! The Tekken Tag Tournament Team Extraordinaire! (swishy anime bg for the next few frames) Bubb: Bubb! Andre: Andre! Dick: Dick! BAD (in bg): Team BAD is blasting off at the speed of light! Billy (in foreground, to Todd, backs turned to camera): Could this get any more obvious? --------------- 19: EVIL BAD by Jeffrey Todd: What kind of name is BAD, anyway? Andre: Isn't it obvious? Andre: We model our fighting style after EVIL BAD, the best Tekken player in all of East Asia! Billy: You're also aware that BAD is your initials... Andre: HA! As if I could spell that! --------------- 20: Man's Game by Brad Andre: So, what'll it be? You gonna keep playing your pansy dancing game, or are you going to try a MAN'S game? Dick: Whoa, what game would that be? Andre: TEKKEN, YOU DOLT! Billy: Ugh, forget this. Billy: We couldn't care less about your-- Todd: I WILL FIGHT YOU! --------------- 21: Victoly by Jeffrey Todd: I happen to have some fighting game experience in my past! I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN! Andre: All right! Bubb, you start off. (Bubb swings Todd over head) Bubb: GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY!!! Andre: I meant the game, Bubb... (Todd flies out of arcade roof) Todd: AAAAIIIIEEE!!! Billy: Hey, that wasn't fair! Bubb: GRAAARRR (Billy flies out) Billy: snap. (VICTOLY sign with Bubb doing anime victory) Jack: My roof! --------------- 22: Closet DDRer by Bryan Andre: Well, I guess that taught them a lesson! Bubb: Gay. (leaving the arcade) Andre: Come on, guys, let's go. I think there's a wall on 5th Street that we can lean on and look cool. (Dick stays behind) Dick: ... (Dick reaches over and presses DDR 1p start button) Machine: LET'S DDR!