Just Believe


Halloween rocked the jeezy fo' veezy.

I swear, I wore the best costume ever today, but barely anyone noticed how awesome it was. They were all taken by the girls who dressed up as prostitutes. But I'm getting off topic - let's talk more about costumes.

At lunch, there was a costume contest, and James and I actually went to it. James even participated. His costume was a paper taped to his chest with the word "CANADIAN" written on it. Of course, he was still wearing clothes under it. Anyway, he entered the contest along side the belly dancers, pimps, and angels, and came out in FIRST PLACE. That's right - he won. The entire school was cheering for him. I hope that made his day. Just don't tell him that I actually fixed the whole contest - I gave the ASB president a few weeks of my salary and consequently James won a Fun Size Three Musketeers bar - knowing that would just break his heart.

Nick was Elftor.

Then my sister wanted me to "accompany" her while trick-or-treating... this means tagging along behind her while she and her friends talk shit about all the un-popular kids in their school. Fortunately, I was exempted from that activity.


After about an hour of wondering what plans would be, 80's Guy, J4V4 and I found our way over to Hannah's house where she, her friend Lindsey (?), and us three went trick-or-treating. People found J4V4's antics pretty amusing... he was the main attraction. I got some Peeps and a few Crunch bars, but it was nothing compared to the ENTIRE BAG OF CRUNCH BARS (not exaggerating) that Hannah got.

Then we watched the beginning of RHPS. Overall, a very good Halloween... seeing that I didn't do anything in comparison last year.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at October 31, 2002 11:56 PM | TrackBack


Almasy Marquis:

Actually, you know, you've moved up to 33rd place. It's only a matter of time.

( 1/11/02 08:41 AM)


I even went up to spot #14... but now I'm at 30... that's good enough.

( 1/11/02 10:10 AM)


I guess I just suck at Halloween......

( 1/11/02 10:53 AM)


yeah...I'm at like 18 or something. Whatevva whatevva!

( 1/11/02 10:54 AM)

Evil Davis:

Dude. YOU were the one yelling stupid things. I was cheering for my hometeam.

( 5/11/02 04:24 PM)

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