Everything2 is stoOpid. I think

Everything2 is stoOpid. I think I agree with Stile on his statement of their elitism... fortunately/unfortunately, it's a pretty good place for research.

<JeffreyAtW> I didn't know opinion wasn't appreciated here. *braces*
EDB has swallowed JeffreyAtW. JeffreyAtW was tasty!
<Imprecation> Oh, dear.
<dem bones> (I prefer to let them brace themselves first ... especially if they're still in High School)
<(darsi)> umm.... fun for all
The Oolong Man is gratified to see someone so well-prepared for the Borg, hopes Jeffrey doesn't take it badly.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at December 19, 2001 05:49 PM | TrackBack


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