
I totally had my butt operated on today. I’m feeling kind of tired and dizzy but I don’t think it’s from blood loss or anesthesia or anything; I think it’s just from the realization that I now have a third hole inside my pants. had a large chunk of skin removed. They shot my gluteal cleft up about 10 times, dug around, and then actually fastened a grounding strap to my arm so I wouldn’t get electrocuted when they cauterized the wound. Right now I’ve got this large pad taped to the area and I guess it’s soakin anything up.
Besides having to wash, reapply gauze for a number of days, and shave my upper butt regularly for the next few months, everything’s okay! I should be able to go into work tomorrow, and exercise as soon as next week.
Thanks for putting up with my detail! Or if you skipped past it, that’s fine too!


  1. Hooray for surgery tmi. I so did that all the time…though it was never about my butt. I guess my insistence on talking about menstruation could be equivalent though…

  2. Hi there. Came across this blog somehow when looking up pilonidal cysts. Seems like you had a relatively straight forward surgery…what did you have done to it? Did it ever come back? How was the recovery?

    1. I can’t give much more details than what was in the post. They scraped out a bunch of skin and closed it up. Recovery was fine; from what I remember I was back to my regular routine after a day or so. It’s never come back but I do make sure to keep the area clean and free of hair.

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