Frontend Web Development

Assignment for Week 16

  1. Create an HTML file and a CSS file.
  2. Add a <title> to the <head>.
  3. Link the CSS file to the HTML file by creating a <link> element in the >head>.
  4. Add a <nav>, <article>, and <aside> to the <body>.
  5. Put some random text inside each element so you can distinguish them from one another.
  6. Create a media query section in the CSS file that targets screens that are 960px wide or more.
  7. Add a declaration to the media query section to make the <nav> and <aside> 200px wide.
  8. Add a declaration to the media query section to make the <article> 500px wide.
  9. Add a declaration to the media query section to make the all three elements inside the <body> float to the left.

Extra credit: