No, I don't think I'm going to blog every day from now on, but it's just because I actually have things to say.

Classes are great when they don't happen until the afternoon, but that leads to a lot of slacking the previous day since you think you can get all your work done on the morning right before class... and eh, this essay's coming along really well, but I've got to plan a bit better in the future.

Christie and I have much more in common than I even originally thought, and that makes me very happy. It's so good to have someone like that to hang out with - and it's not at all as if she's a burden on any other social or academic engagements at all - in fact, she helps a lot with both, both in terms of mental and actual support.

Additionally, I think I'll start doing this "additionally" thing at the end of every blog until I grow tired of it. Wow, that was fast. Goodbye, "additionally" thing.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at October 07, 2003 12:52 PM | TrackBack


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