Gawrsh, this week has been slow and not moving fast. A big "screw you" to everyone already in school. I'm so jealous.

I'm feeling better than I did a while ago, so yet again I can't poop out a good helping of fresh squeezed angst, but today was sort of a downer. No real social contact whatsoever. It used to be like this a lot in previous years and I was totally fine with it, but things have changed around so much this summer that it's not like me to spend entire days secluded anymore... even though my room is where I'm supposed to be making money doing web design.

Boys and girls, I didn't think I'd ever say this in a blog, but here's the awful truth: I need a girlfriend. No, really. My past views on relationships have gone down the tube ever since I found out that I was attractive and charming enough to find myself and a female partner in the veritable sack, as it were.

I thought I'd be emotionally crushed or something if a relationship didn't work out. Yet then again, a strong lack of emotions was what prompted me to even find a girl in the first place, so what was I so afraid of? It's true, it was more of an insecurity than it was an undesire.

So, for all you girlzors from UCSC that have added me to their friends list and talked to me over AIM and told me to "NEVER EVER HAVE MR. BIGGLESWORTH AS A PROFESSOR," watch out, I'm single, and LOOKING.

...It'll help take my mind off people at home.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at September 02, 2003 11:40 PM | TrackBack


80s Guy:

Hmmm, you probably have a better technique at meeting people than I do. It's been a week and a half for me here at SFSU and...I KNOW NO ONE!! Oh well, I'm sure you'll do great. If, by chance, you end up having a surplus of romantic interests down there, send 'em my way. I'll, uh, WATCH them for ya.

( 3/09/03 12:56 AM)

Indogutsu Tenbuki:

Anyone ever get the feeling that we seek out romantic partners simply because the media, pop culture, society, etc. subconsciously force us to?

( 3/09/03 07:27 AM)


Uh, yes. Duh. That's why most people seek out romantic partners at such an early age. I've been past the media influence for quite some time now.

( 3/09/03 10:18 AM)


At least you're not in a different country.... dangnabbit. BTW, my intarweb is supposed to be up ANY DAY NOW. =D

( 3/09/03 03:11 PM)


Go get 'em tiger!

( 3/09/03 04:54 PM)

Indogutsu Tenbuki:

*looks at the link, only has two words to say*

Some people...

( 4/09/03 08:01 AM)


well at least ur attractive and charming. i just have hair

( 4/09/03 07:29 PM)


haha, "Hello my future girlfriend," anyone?

record yourself saying the same things the other boy does, for ultimate funney.

( 4/09/03 10:20 PM)


I actually did record myself saying that once. Whoa, actually, I VIDEO recorded myself saying that.

Wow, completely forgot about this.

( 4/09/03 11:44 PM)


Rubik's cube video for Jeffrey.

( 5/09/03 10:03 AM)


good god, that video was disturbing.

( 5/09/03 03:05 PM)

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