More LiveJournal Thoughts

On Anonymous Posting

I can completely understand why a lot of people would disable anonymous posting in their blogs, but I rather like it. I mean, you let the bottom-of-the-barrel internet scum amble right up to your homestead and let them go on and on. No one should care, since they have no one to tack it to.

It's the easiest way to laugh at someone for making a total fool of themselves. So I say, bring on the anonymous posting! It promotes an air of complete uncaring about those who won't stand up for their own opinions - and isn't that exactly what we're trying to be rid of?

On Self-Deprecation

This one almost goes without saying. Those who constantly put themselves down in their journals are asking for positive attention. I know they migt just feel like wallowing in sorrow forever, but if they really felt like it, they'd keep emotions locked up inside and never share it. And I might just be generalizing here... but deep down inside, no one wants to feel horrible.

It's not that I don't think people should feel good about themselves by having friends support them, but if people are posting simply to put themselves down and point out all of their negative traits, it conveys yet another negative trait - the inability to improve oneself.

A few years ago, before the whole blogging scene really kicked in, I said the same thing about artists who thought their own work sucked. They were total attention-getters. If someone was happy about their artwork, they'd showcase it and be left alone. Those who constantly whined, though, were showered with sympathy. Why didn't these people figure out how to improve themselves?

On "You" Posts

This is where my personal tastes come in (even on a larger scale). I try to keep from using "you" in a total anonymous sense, leaving others who aren't in my inner circle to figure out for themselves what the hell I could be talking about. If I really want to announce to the world that I'm feeling a certain way, I'd either actually say what's up, or just announce my emotions without an enigmatic aura - I wouldn't leave the reader to think that there's something much deeper to figure out for themselves.

The best alternative, though, from posting on your blog about how a certain person makes you feel? Go up to them and say it. Stop hiding.

On Syndicating Calvin And Hobbes

My life (and Friends page in particular) is a much better place.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at August 02, 2003 11:31 AM | TrackBack


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