
And with that, a less analytical and more social blog!

What's everyone's ancestry? I'm curious. These things interest me.

My last name is Faden, which is German. My ancestry is 3rd generation American, and from there I have ancestors in Russia, Germany, and Poland. My mom's mom is from Austria, though.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at July 21, 2003 07:48 PM | TrackBack


Almasy Marquis:

Primarily Scottish, with some Irish and a bit of Lithuanian.

(21/07/03 09:34 PM)


heh, this is a fun one:
1/4 Irish
1/4 German
2/4 Cuban
Boy am I a wierd mix or what?

(22/07/03 10:13 AM)


I am pretty much just Italian and German.

I'm a loud combination.

(22/07/03 11:26 AM)


I'm 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 Korean. My last name is Cha which is Korean and Japanese/Chinese writing, it is "Car". XD But in Japanese/Chinese, (Like saying it orally) it means, "Tea". Um, yep.

(22/07/03 07:03 PM)

80s Guy:

I'm 80s...I mean, uh...:

1/2 Irish
1/4 or so English
I'm guessing 1/8 Dutch/German (COMBINED to be 1/8... I CAN ADD, PEOPLE!)
Also, I guess 1/8 French

Yeah...I'm a western-european mutt.

(23/07/03 01:40 AM)


100% Canadian. Before that, basically every European country (majority Wales).

(24/07/03 12:03 PM)


Mostly Irish from County Cork
I am also un sweeeedish jah? I like der meatbawlz and i leeve in der Ikea oonder de flawr bawrds.
besides that theres some scottish, russian, and some slavic from one of those wonderful countries in the Balkins. (cant remember)

(26/07/03 07:38 PM)

Indogutsu Tenbuki:

1/2 Klaxon
1/2 Dotamian
1/2 Illithid
2/3 cup of milk

(26/07/03 11:11 PM)


German, Norwegian, Dutch, and Irish.

(27/07/03 12:00 AM)


wow, i feel kind of awkward being the only full-blooded ANYTHING here...

100% korean

oh, and to the other asian guy: cha can mean tea in korean as well. haven't you ever had pori-cha? :)

( 3/08/03 09:45 PM)

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