Don't Copy That Floppy!

If Napster Was From The 80's.

One of the most hilarious things I've seen in a long while. Oh boy, thank goodness for nostalgia...

Oh, and if you've already seen it (20 years ago even) and you care to vocalize it in a haughty manner, it's called being an ass.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at July 14, 2003 07:16 PM | TrackBack



The irony: that video was probably most widely distributed, atleast recently, across peer to peer networks

(14/07/03 08:26 PM)


That's great. I like your comment Bill. The video is hilarious, I love the 80's ness of it, espcially the old skoo' rapper, those guys KICK ASS compared to modern day rappers. It's interesting how they explain copywrite law, and they PREDICT THE END OF THE COMPUTER AGE because of piracy. I suppose you can say that modern GPL and Open Source initiatives were the result of the growth of the computer industry under these copywrite laws, but still it's ludicrus. I didn't know that one program could only be used for one computer, I don't believe that applies anymore, because the computer you use it on is only the item with which you use the program, like you use a plate, fork and knife to eat food.

I hope law has changed since then, but I really don't think it has. What would their modern day quote be? "Don't copy that _______"

Probably "Don't copy that internet!"

(16/07/03 05:46 AM)


Well actually...You still aren't supposed to use the same product on more than one computer. If you want to do that you have to buy a license for the software with the number of computers you are using it on specified in the license...The problem? Well they don't actually sell licenses of 2 or 3 computers, it's usually 50+ computers. And, to me, it seems a horrible waste to buy 2 cd's for 2 computers that are in the same house...What happend to "enviromentally friendly"? Meh...

(16/07/03 09:48 AM)

Scrat Man:

This has got to be the coolest thing I have ever seen! That guy was awesome! I accepted everything he said and became an anti-piracy freak! He can reeeeaaaalllly rap. I think he should make an album.

(23/07/03 09:00 PM)

Some dude:

By the way, he's an attorney now.

This is not a joke. But it's funny.

(17/11/03 04:20 PM)

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