Another day, another Oni course. I figured since I could get through Burning Heat in Kidou 2, it'd be easy cakes to do it in From IIDX... so I did. I hope to beat Kakumei in Kidou 2 in the next few days. Doing it in Reverse is so hard...

Today I got a CompactFlash Wi-Fi card for my Dell Axim. It'll come in handy only when I go to UCSC (or Starbucks), but it was $70 with a $40 dollar rebate, so we jumped on the good deal. I'll probably be getting a nice 1280x1024 flat-panel monitor later in the summer, too. There's a freaking $200 rebate on a $500 model... geez.

Speaking of that, my computer should be complete by now, but the sto0pid shipping company didn't send the case/mobo/cpu in time... oh well.

I also got new shoes today. This marks a new era... or something. My previous Asics running shoes lasted me for almost 3 years... and they held up pretty damn well for such old shoes. I went to the shoe store today and requested a pretty similar model, as I liked the old ones so much... so the new ones feel the same but are just more solid, or in other words, more then half of the rubber bottom hasn't worn off yet. I started playing DDR with those old shoes and I continued to do so until yesterday. Damn, I'll miss'em. But the new ones work, I'm tellin' ya. I beat Paranoia Brothers two more times today with them.

Tonight was very fun indeed. Sophie, Conrad and I went into the city after Sophie played her first bit of DDR in almost a month. I wouldn't be able to survive that.

We saw a Bay Area Theater Sports (BATS) play - an improvised 3-act performance based around a family picnic. It wasn't ROFL hilarious like some of their previous stuff has been, but it was really well put together... for a completely improvised piece. The story tonight was that a father had invited his son and his sister-in-law to a picnic, and the father's wife was also there. His son had brought his friend (HIS NAME WAS STEVE, BY THE WAY) who, throughout the play, was revealed to be the son's lover... and it just got more dramatic (and just a little repetitive) by the end. The fact that the father spent the whole play gassing up the charcoals was symbolic... of something. It was fun. It was Conrad's first time seeing BATS. Good stuff.

Afterwards, we went around the corner to the Pier 39 Riptide Arcade, where we saw Randee, Benji, Jeremy, et al. That's where I passed another round of Paranoia Brothers, and then From IIDX with Randee, who put up a good effort.

RTA closed, so we headed back home, after stopping off at Safeway to pick up some beef jerky, white chocolate bites, etc.

Then the world ended. Or something else that'd make the end of a good night really interested instead of a stupid ride back along dumb ol' Sir Francis Drake / 2nd Street / Pt. San Pedro to mah house.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at July 06, 2003 01:11 AM | TrackBack



ADDENDUM: At Safeway there was much lavoche purchasing.

( 6/07/03 01:13 AM)

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