I wrote on my hand
I'll take a picture of this later, but right now I give you a TVM-esque ASCII hand.
| THX \
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| STFU |
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| LOL |
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| W00T /
Pinky: THANKS! Be courteous. Lift pinky while drinking.
Ring Finger: AGE/SEX/LOCATION? I don't know... you're not married or something so you ask that. I don't even draw ring fingers, so don't blame me for the stupid idea.
Middle Finger: SHUT THE FUCK UP! It's your middle finger, duh.
Pointer Finger: LAUGHING OUT LOUD! Point and laugh, why don't you.
Thumb: W00T! Okay, it's not an acronym, but no one really uses "GJ" enough anyway.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I am the only one with SUCH A HIGH IQ, THOUGH, HA-HAH!
Posted by JeffreyAtW at June 04, 2003 03:08 PM
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