This week has been hella

This week has been hella cool. On Monday, I finished up that massive photomontage. You can check it out, in the new Misc. Files section. Just think of this thing, big as it is already, 8 freaking feet by 16 freaking feet. Not just regular feet, but freaking feet. It was hung up in my school's theater for this "Memorial Project" which "touched the hearts" of anyone who came in contact with anyone who even heard a whisper about it. I got about a million compliments (sorry, I've been reading Catcher in the Rye lately) about how great my flag is. It'll be laminated and then put up in the school library for the rest of the year. Huh. And I did this just to get a grade.

I'm also in the middle of a play right now. It's called "The Gypsy Marker," a seriously abridged version of "The Tooth of Crime" by Sam Shepard. God, is it terrible. Peter, the director, did an awful job of editing the once X-rated script into a soft, mushy, chewable PG story for kids with bunnies and happiness. At least I'm doing a great job of acting. I'm really, really loud, and I actually understand the "slang." That's all that matters. And yes, my ego is explosive.

I also added a MIDI called Cave Theme. I just forgot to add it a while ago. And some other links are fixed on the MIDI page.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at December 15, 2001 12:52 AM | TrackBack


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