It's late! It's a Friday!

It's late! It's a Friday! You know what that means... it's time for Jeffrey's End of the First Week of School Rant!!!

I've been so FUCKING swamped for the last week that I haven't had any time to blog about much. I apologize. But here's what's happened over the past few event-filled days!

I went to school a few times.

Ah, geez. And I was planning out an entire essay about how I did this and I did that all week. I guess I just lost my train of thought (finally, ugh!).

But here's something I DID do: I DID upload a qualitey comic, the first issue to my upcoming webcomic, Midgard! (No relation to the Midgar Swamp.) So yayayayay... my week was not for lost. or seomthing

Posted by JeffreyAtW at September 01, 2001 12:19 AM | TrackBack


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