Jeffrey | I'm Jeffrey. I'm in the driver's seat. I'm loud, I spout random intellectual bravado, and I often have an unhealthy craving for Starbuck's. I really, really like driving, and even though I'm now legally old enough to drive others around, the idea of acting as a public transportation operator still excites me. Wow, when I grow up, I should be a bus driver! First Appearance: CAR #1: It Starts |  |
 80's Guy | 80's Guy is my most frequent flyer, as he lives pretty close to me, in the neighborhood we like to call "the Gap for Cocks that Pea." As his name implies, he has a vast knowledge of the 1980's, and runs a side business as a button maker (he made me a few with pants on them). First Appearance: CAR #2: It... Still Starts |  |
 Francisco | Not much is known of Francisco's true origins. In fact, I'm even too bored to ask. But he often bums a ride off of me. He has a wide knowledge of Bob Marley, has the most unkempt hair in the history of everything, and often sports the same gaping expression (see drawing). First Appearance: CAR #3: Road Trip |  |
 Bryan | Bryan is some crazy kid from my "rival" high school, Drake, who 0wns websites devoted to finding crazy shit on the internet. Like me, he is really good at Dance Dance Revolution and must know the lyrics for every song to which he dances. If you still have eyes after watching him dance to "In The Navy '99," I applaud you. First Appearance: CAR #4: Are You Enjoy? |  |
 Adam | Adam is Bryan's bitch and likes to follow him around wherever he goes. I sort of keep forgetting why I acknowledge his existence. Oh yeah, he's Jewish. First Appearance: CAR #4: Are You Enjoy? |  |
 James | James is my longtime best friend, and although a bit older than I am, he still needs a ride from me now and then. I ran a website with him for a few years, and we continue to maintain what one could call "brother blogs" together. James is a bit on the quiet (hence sane) side, because he has a bit of a stutter, but despite my opposite qualities, he can still talk sense into me one way or another. He and I own the Dance Dance Revolution Club at our school. First Appearance: CAR #5: Hoof Arted |  |
 Sophie | Sophie is a fellow website designer who goes to Drake. Yes, she is often seen with Bryan, but that's just because Bryan has too much free time and can jump in my car whenever he wants. Sophie is a drummer in a band, and lives way too far away from anywhere else for a human to comprehend. First Appearance: CAR #7: In More Ways Than Seven |  |
 Conrad | Conrad also goes to Drake. He's somehow amazed by my website designing and cartooning skills, but thinks that we're all insane for playing Dance Dance Revolution that well. I would have ditched him like Bryan urged, but then I wouldn't have been able to get to Sophie's. Yeah, just kidding. First Appearance: CAR #7: In More Ways Than Seven |
 Jeff | I've known Jeff almost as long as I've known Simeon. He now has his own car, though, so I won't be driving him much. He lives pretty close to the school, so when he's with me I usually drive right by his house when I have to drop him off. He calls me Jeff also, which rather complicates things, but he and 80's Guy have thought of these awful pet names for me (like "Nanners" and "Doris") to tell us apart. First Appearance: CAR #8: Chichen Itza |  |
 Omid | Omid is a big fan of Metallica, and has a wide knowledge of hard rock and guitars. Throughout the ages he's been known to spout hundreds of catchphrases (like such classics as "You're such a *clicks tongue*," "GNYAAAAAAHT," and "I chhhet bugzs"), earning him the title of "King of Catchphrases." First Appearance: CAR #10: King of Catchphrases |  |
 Keith | I often give Keith a ride home. He's a big fan of local bands and has a wide knowledge of music, but often says things that makes me want to turn him into a stick figure. First Appearance: CAR #11: Bad Representation |  |
 Lily | My sister, Lily, is the most popular girl in her middle school. She wears popular clothes, she listens to popular music, and just has that popular attitude. Fortunately, she's often nice to me because I wouldn't be willing to drive her otherwise. First Appearance: CAR #13: Boyz In The Hood |  |
 Indogutsu | Probably the only person I don't know in real life (and hasn't been in my car) who will appear in CAR. Indogutsu, real name Joshua, is basically a jack-of-all-trades on the net, specializing in MIDI composition and making MASSIV games for RPG Maker 2000. He lives in Florida but I swear that no comics with him will have anything to do with faulty ballots.First Appearance: CAR #14: Indogutsu Is Bigger Than You |  |
 Hannah | Hannah goes to our partner high school, San Rafael, and is in charge of the punk music at its radio station! We carpool together to Jewish stuff. Sources say that I will bear her children. First Appearance: CAR #27: Proper Place ...sorta |  |
 J4V4 | Yes, that's a dog. A real dog. Half-poodle and half-Pekingese, J4V4 is a dog with an attitude. An attitude like a cat. Okay, he's a little pansy and has the looks to go along with it (yes, he does actually have blue ears), but he cost a lot of money, so that means there have got to be some redeeming qualities about him. First Appearance: CAR #35: Good Dog |  |
 Simeon | I've known Simeon longer than anyone else in the comic. He was my first step into the world of Terra Linda geekdom. He's a geek in any sense of the word - from computer mods to Star Trek to Operation Flashpoint, Simeon's your man. First Appearance: CAR #46: Social Life |
 Ashley | Ashley is often seen hanging around 80's. She has never missed a DDR Club meeting, but she's never played it. She has a boyfriend who's probably a member of the KKK. She lives within the borders of a prison. She acts excessively promiscous around me. What's not to love about Ashley? First Appearance: CAR #58: Unusable Characters |  |
 Felix | Felix is the Brit with the 'tude, and fortunately for him, this is the second comic of mine that he's been featured in. I still think that he'd say stereotypical British things for you if you gave him enough money. First Appearance: CAR #58: Unusable Characters |  |
 Jeremiah | Jam also goes to Drake, and can freestyle like a mofo. I mean, he can basically do Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon stunts in real life. It's freaking scary. First Appearance: CAR #58: Unusable Characters |  |
 Steve | Steve thinks he's Max Payne, and has the arsenal to prove it. First Appearance: CAR #58: Unusable Characters |  |
 Nessa | Steve is by Nessa is by Steve's side through thick and thin, whatever that means. Like most Catholic school girls, she's Jewish. Rowing is her life.First Appearance: CAR #58: Unusable Characters |
 Mary | Mary, a freshman at TL, craves Starbucks as much as I do. So after a leisurely morning stop at the coffee shop, why not a carpool to school afterward? She has been known to prove that the manliest men act just like women. That's how her keen sense of deductive reasoning works. First Appearance: CAR #58: Unusable Characters |
 Levi | Levi is the first full-blooded Canadian to appear in this strip. For that he is proud. He also likes Asians a lot... I'm pretty sure he's proud of that too. Believe it or not, he also plays DDR. First Appearance: CAR #61: Warp Speed 10 |
 Aaron | Lieberman shore do run fast. He convinced me that Joseph Lieberman will win the primaries for the Democratic presidential runnings (dammit): When I visited Washington D.C., I saw him there by coincidence. A Lieberman in Washington D.C., seen by me? It's a sign! First Appearance: CAR #62: Angry Nerds |
 Annie | Annie is Sophie's friend. Believe it or not, she also goes to Drake. I'm sure she's amazed at our mad skill in DDR. Definitely. She's got this perfect way of saying "meep." First Appearance: CAR #72: -THE CITY- |
 Brad | Brad is the Canadian DDR wonder, capable of AAAing tall songs in a few hundred bounds. Although he might label his appearance as "most generic ever," I think I captured his essence well enough. First Appearance: CAR #120: Buy A Rack |  |